A Visit • Chapter Two • UPDATED

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After starting his recording, Albert clicked join and waited excitedly for Roblox to load. After a few, seemingly long seconds, Albert was in the game. He smiled happily as he noticed G0z standing in front of him happily.

"Hello Albert!" G0z said happily.

"Hi G0z! How are you?"

"I'm good, and you my friend?"

"Im great thanks for asking!" Albert said smiling happily. G0z nodded and made the follow gesture.

"Let's go to my office!" G0z said walking in the direction to his office. Albert followed the clown. They catched up along the way to G0z's office. Once they got there G0z opened the door for his brown-haired friend and they walked inside.

"So, as I said I'm messages, I have something important to ask you." G0z said, obviously nervous. Albert nodded, signaling his clowny friend to continue.

"Well, we've known each other for almost a year at this point.." G0z paused..

"And I was thinking we should meet up. Like- uh, like at the park or something." G0z stuttered out quickly. He was blushing and had his head down. The hem line of his white shirt more interesting than anything else in that moment.

Albert pondered G0z's question for a minute or two. If they met up at the park, then Albert would be safe just in case. Plus, seems like fun and, if something were to go wrong his fans and friends would know who he was with last.

"Sure, as long as it's in the day time. I'm not saying I don't trust you, but ya' know.." Albert responded. G0z was a little hurt that Albert thought for a second he would hurt them, but was happy either way.

"We could do it today, It's only err.. 1:45 after all!" G0z said, hoping Albert would agree. Albert didn't hesitate to answer this time.

"Sure! Hey, maybe I could vlog it, if your comfortable with that?" He responded happily. G0z smiled and giggled.

"Well, I'll see you there then! Oh, and I don't mind you vlogging it! I'll be wearing a mask to hide my identity though." G0z stated, swinging his feat up and down. Albert waved a goodbye and they both left the game. Albert ended the video and got up from his seat. He put on his shoes and quickly combed his hair to tame it. Albert grabbed a camera to record on as well. He grabbed a water bottle and rushed out of the house, wishing Bedrock, his dog, goodbye. He was super excited to meet G0z. When he got close to the park, he noticed a very familiar figure standing awkwardly at the entrance. G0z looked around and spotted Albert. He smiled widely and walked over to his crush.

"Hi Albert!"

"Hi G0z!"

"It's so nice to meet you in real life!"

"You could say that again clown boy." Albert joked. G0z just rolled his eyes at that nick-name, laughing a bit. Albert and him walked into the park

(Hahaha you guys thought G0z was asking him out. Your gonna have to wait homeboys. Also, Albert is single in this story, no hate to Kristen. I'm probably gonna write the next chapter tonight if I feel like it lol)

♡ With Love, Your Secret Admirer ♡ ~ Gozbert (1/3)Where stories live. Discover now