Chapter 2: The Accident

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(This is the next day. Scott went back to their apartment and wont be back for a couple of weeks)

   Winona woke up to a loud knock at the door. Millie stood there, looking up at her, sobbing. "Oh my gosh sweetie! What happened?" Winona was tearing up just looking at the precious girl cry.

   "F-Finn. We were walking along the road." She spoke between sobs. "S-Some dumb ass hit him." "Oh my god!" Winona and Millie ran to David's trailer. "David! David!" Winona knocked on the door hard. He opened the door. "What the hell Winni?" She grabbed him by his arm and dragged him out of his trailer to tell him what happened as Millie dialled 911.

   Millie led them to the street he was hit on. Winona and David followed very close behind, tears streaming down each of their faces. Not noticing that they were holding hands until they reached the street. They could see blue and red lights flashing. The sirens were becoming louder as they neared the place where Millie's world came crashing down just a few minutes prior. The roads were blocked off but that didn't stop Millie from reaching the love of her life. They had been secretly dating for a few months now and only the cast knew about it. David tried to stop her from going past the road blocks, but she didn't stop, she wouldn't stop.

  The two of them stood on the street corner, watching the EMT's load Finn into the ambulance. Millie hopped in the back after they got him inside.   

   Winona dug her face into David's chest. She was crying, trying to stay strong, but she was worried about Finn, worried about Millie. Hell, she didn't even know how bad he was hurt. She couldn't possibly watch such a beautiful boy die. David looked down at the girl pressed up against his chest. He bent down so he could be face to face with her. "Winni, he is going to be okay. He is such a tough boy, and Millie, she's so strong, she will get through this no matter the outcome."

   She couldn't take it any longer. His beautiful pale lips looked so tempting. She tried to fight that all too familiar feeling in her stomach, but she needed this. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in to kiss him. He kissed her back and lifted her up bridal style. For a few seconds everything was fine. But then they were snapped back to reality when they both realized that they needed air.

   In the short time that they were kissing, the ambulance had driven off and the police were taking off the road blocks. David set Winona down and they interlocked fingers as they ran to David's rental car to drive to the hospital.

   When they arrived at the hospital, they saw Millie crying to herself in the corner of the waiting room. David looked up at the clock that read 2:13 PM. Winona bolted over to Millie and handed her some tissues. She brought her into a hug and kissed the top of her head.

   David told the Duffers what had happened. No one came to the hospital because everyone thought it would be best to wait a while. Besides, Millie, David, and Winona would be there.

   Eight hours had passed since they arrived at the hospital. The three of them had heard nothing about how  Finn was doing all day. Eventually, Millie fell asleep and Winona and David figured they would move across the room as to not wake her. David sat down on a firm blue chair, leaving a cushy red chair for Winona. To his surprise, Winona sat down on his lap instead of the chair. "Winni?" He whispered, trying to keep his voice down. "Shhh". She turned, and shut him up with a peck on the lips. "David, I like you a lot-". She was cut off by him kissing her. She pulled away. "David, I like you a lot, but I have to break up with Scott, then we can be together. Forever."

   Forever. He and Ali said that they would be together forever. But he didn't care anymore. He wanted this more than anything. "Okay, I suppose I can wait." He managed to whimper out. It totally turned her on, but she ignored it. "I'll break up with Ali."

(Thanks for reading ❤)

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