Chapter 1

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Kol woke up with a groan. His head pounded and his arms ached. That was when he realized he was chained with his arms above him. The room Kol was in was darkly lit. "He's awake!" Someone shouted. A man with jet black hair walked into the room and smiled at him.

"It surprised that you woke up. I was sure that you'd be unconscious for a few more hours." The man said. "What is this? Where am I?" Kol asked as he tugged on the chains. He was too weak to break them. He hadn't fed in a while.

"My name's Justin. Over there is Jake and the girl is Lucy." Justin said as he pointed the other two out. "You were foolish to be outside at night. You're going to be our meal." Justin said as he walked over to Kol and bit into his neck.

Kol had to hold back a yell.  The pain of someone feeding on him was excruciating. Justin pulled away from Kol as blood dripped down his chin. "You taste good." Justin said with a smirk. Kol opened his mouth to say something when he felt something hit the back of his head.
Ashtyn was on the computer trying to find the location of the nest of vampires that were in Hunts Vill, Massachusetts. "Ash? Maybe you should take a break." Sam said as he walked in with Dean on his heels.  Ashtyn just shook her head.

"I can't. I need to get this nest's location. If I don't, they are going to get another person and kill them." Ashtyn said. Dean walked over to his sister and pushed the computer away from her. He put a double bacon cheeseburger in front of the starving huntress.

"Eat," Dean said as he stared at his little sister. Ashtyn glared at her older brother and then sighed. She knew that she needed to eat. "Okay," Ashtyn said as she pulled the burger closer. Dean smiled slightly at Ashtyn and walked over to the other side of the table.

"I'm surprised you got her to eat. Last time I did that, she almost stabbed me." Sam said with a smirk. "You just wanted to use the computer for Pinterest," Ashtyn said as she looked up from her burger. Sam just rolled his eyes.

"You're not wrong, Ash," Dean said as he started on his own burger that he had unpacked. Sam just shook his head and sighed. As Ashtyn ate, she noticed something crawling on the floor. She stopped chewing and took a closer look.

It was a spider. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" Ashtyn screamed as she pushed the chair back and jumped onto the table. Both Sam and Dean reacted when they heard Ashtyn scream. "What is it?" Dean asked as he pulled out the demon blade and Sam pulled out his gun.

"II'S A CREEPY CRAWLY DEATH DEALER!!! GET THAT FUCKING THING AWAY FROM ME!" Ashtyn screamed as she pointed at the spider.  Both the boys looked at the small spider and Dean let out a high pitched scream.

"Get rid of it, Sammy!" Dean screamed as he jumped on the bed. Sam just looked at his two siblings and shook his head. Sam picked up a glass that was in the motel room and put it over the spider. He then took a piece of paper and slid it under the cup.

Sam picked up the cup and paper and walked out the door, getting rid of the thing. As Sam walked back in, He looked at his brother and sister. "You guys hunt monsters, yet spiders scare you?" Sam asked as he started to chuckle.

"Oh, you're one to talk, Mr. I hate Clowns," Ashtyn said as she got off the table. Sam just narrowed his eyes at his little sister. "Don't give me that look, Sam. You know I'm right." Ash said as she walked over to the bathroom.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to urinate," Ash said as she closed the bathroom door. Her brothers shook their heads at Ash's antics. "I swear, Dean. She learned her sarcasm from you." Sam said as he looked at his brother. Dean just smirked at this.

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