Chapter 2

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As Klaus arrived at Elena's house, the scent of blood hit his nose. He made it to the door and saw that the door had been kicked open. Klaus looks around and saw that Elena was on the floor, crying, while holding her brother, Jeremy.

Jeremy was lying in his sisters' lap and was missing the arm that had the hunters mark. "What happened here?" Klaus asked as he looked at the Gilbert siblings. "Your brother happened. He attacked us for no reason and then compelled me to cut off my brother's arm.

Your brother is a monster, Klaus. He should have stayed in that box. Now you'll never get the cure." Elena said as tears streamed down her face. "I don't care about the cure! I care about my little brother! I was going to burn the cure when we found it!" Klaus yelled.

Stefan arrived with Bonnie and Rebecca and they saw this scene. Bonnie went to use her powers on Klaus when Rebecca vamp sped in front of her and bit her wrist. She shoved her bloody rust into Bonnie's mouth and forced her to drink.

"Use your powers on my brother and I'll break your neck." Rebecca snarled and then turned towards the house. "Now, be a dear and invite us in," Rebecca said with a fake smile. Stefan snarled at Rebecca and moved to attack her when Klaus grabbed his arm and bit him.

"Stefan!" Elena yelled. "He'll be fine, love. Once you invite us in that is." Klaus said as he turned back to the Gilbert house. Elena looked down at Jeremy. "Klaus and Rebecca? You guys can come in." Jeremy said as he turned towards the door.

The two originals walked into the house and quickly moved towards Elena and Jeremy. Klaus looked into Elena's eyes and started to compel her. "What happened here?" Klaus asked. "Jeremy and I were planning to kill your brother so we could finish the hunters' mark.

Kol found out and got angry. He attacked us and tried to cut off Jeremy's arm. I attacked him and Jeremy was about to stake him when a man came in and threw Jeremy into a walk. Kol then compelled me to cut off Jeremy's arm and then feed him blood.

After that, he took off." Elena said in a monotone voice. "You were going to kill my brother?" Rebecca asked with a snarl. "So we could get the cure. Kol is too dangerous and volatile to be in the world.

He compelled my brother to cut off Jeremy's arm. He needs to be stopped!" Stefan said as he moved to Elena and Jeremy's side. At those words, Rebecca flashed towards Bonnie and snapped her neck. "Bonnie!" Stefan and Elena yelled.

Jeremy was in starting to go into shock and couldn't process anything that was going on at the moment. Klaus got up from his position and walked over to his sister. "We need to call Elijah," Klaus said as he walked out an arm around her waist.

Rebecca smirked over her shoulder at Stefan and Elena. "Have fun with Bonnie," Rebecca said as she walked away with her brother. Stefan got up for his sitting position and went after Klaus. "What can I do to get your blood?" Stefan asked.

"It's simple, really. All you have to do is join me again." Klaus said with a smirk. "We leave Mystic Falls in the morning. You can tell me what you decide then." Klaus said with a smirk as he down off with his sister.

Ohh!! Drama!! Stefan was given a choice! What should he chose?? Stay and die or go with Klaus? Comment down below what you think it should be. What will Bonnie do now that she's going to be in transition? Will she complete transition or not?

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