Chapter one

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Elaina's POV:
" Heyyy!" My best friend Lily yelled so loud I could've sworn I saw birds fly away. " hey Lily." I said as she finally caught up to me. "G-guess... who's ... changing.. oh god I'm out of shape!" Lily was still bent over with her hands resting on her knees as she tried to catch her breathe. " Who's changing what?" I asked now curious as to what she was so eager to tell me. "Oh yeah! My brothers changing to our highschool!!" She yelled. I guess now would be a good time to say that Lily's a twin sister. No even though I'm here best friend I never got to met her brother. His name is Sage but Lily mainly calls him Neko. She also ships us together like we're some kind of anime characters. It's kinda stupid in my opinion. Thanks to Lily now everyone in our friend group has started this nickname for my and Sage. They call it SaLain, I find it funny that it's so close to Satan and they don't care. Whatever after a while you learn to just give up and go with the bullying they do to ya. "You'll love him! If you get what I'm saying?!" Just be Lily's time I didn't even have to look at her to know she she planning something. "What are you planning, you wicked witch of the west?!" I said eyeing her with both fear and curiosity. She always gets like this when someone brings up the topic of her brother. "Oh nothing" she giggled. I gave her a look saying 'we both you did something', it seemed to work cause she busted. "Okay! So I may or may not have sent a picture of you to my brother." Lily said then cringed back because she know we I hate when she does things like this. "YOU DID WHAT?!!" I yelled some people turned around to look at us. 'Crap' I thought. "Hehe... sorry." I said while grabbing Lily's wrist and pulling her into the school. "Now....YOU DID WHAT LILY?!?" I yelled again knowing we were alone. "I um sentapictureofyoutoSage!" She said really fast hoping I didn't catch it. "So you're saying that you sent a photo of me to your brother without asking me first! You know I hate how I look in pictures Lily!!" I yelled. "It's not that bad. If it helps he said you looked cute with all the colorful flowers!" She said loudly but not loud enough to be called a yell. Guess I should say that lily don't really like to yell. She's the calm and collected one of us two. " why god, why me." I sighed. I made the meanest glare I could and locked eyes with hers. "Class starts soon" I paused looking up at the clock. "But this y'all is not over!" I said back while walking out of the empty classroom to go to our first class. Lily followed after humming some random anime inter song. 'She thinks she won this conversation?' Was the last thing I thought before the warning bell rang making me and Lily start running to get to class

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