Meeting her

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Sorry guys that I haven't updated in a few days but I'm back and with a longer chapter. you go!
Sage's POV:
I drove u til I came to my old house, the I left those years ago. 'God I've missed this place.' I thought as I pulled into the drive way. I took note that moms car was in need of a wash and I remembered that she never liked having her car dirty. Putting my car in park, I gave myself a pep talk. "They're your family, they missed you. There's no way they could possibly still be mad at you!" With that I paused. My hand still resting on my car door handle. 'What if Elaina's here? I know I know 'she's your sisters best friend' but think about it do you really think I'd go after her if Lily said she didn't want us together? FAMILY FIRST BROSPH!! I would never chase Elaina if she didn't approve. Crap what if lily didn't approve, what if I fall in love with Elaina and I either have to hurt Lily or myself?!' I shake my head to rid me of thoughts. I opened my door and started to walk to the house I missed so much the last three years. 'I'll ring the bell and let them answer it so I can surprise them!' I thought as my hand moved for the bell. I pause only because I heard shouting. It was two girls. One I know as my sister Lilybug but the other? I don't remember her voice, maybe it's that Ari girl lily talked about that one time. The one who started writing a story where me and Elaina. (Ps the real Sage does not know I'm writing this. But Elaina does. It was approved......half way 😅) I cleared my head and rang the doorbell. "Lily could you get the door? I'm not done setting up the surprise party for Sage!" I giggled to myself 'guess it's not much of a surprise now' I thought as I saw the door open. I looked up to see who it was. 'ALERT ITS NOT YOU SISTER ALERT 🚨' I crashed for a few seconds. "Hi I'm cheese do you like jade?! Err no I mean Hi I'm Sage do you like cheese?" I stopped cause I heard laughing. I looked over to her again just to see she was the one laughing. "Oh sorry hahaha that was just perfect haha." She took a big breathe and continued "Hi cheese I'm Elaina." She held out her hand for me to shake. "Oh so your the one Lily's been telling me about." I asked I remembered the pictures. "Oh she way cuter in person!" I said thinking that I didn't say it out loud until...."whoa cuter in person?" 'Crap she heard me um quick think Sage think!' "Oh um you know.....errr Marionette cosplayers!" I said the first thing in my mind. 'Crap now she thinks I'm some weirdo awkward anime watching potato.'
"Yeah Mari is a good character. Okay, I think she's done now. I've kept you out here long enough. She opened the door all the way and steps aside as I take a step into the house. "He's here!!" Elaina yelled into the living room. I heard footsteps and my first thought was 'DOG!' I turned around just to see my little Lilybug running faster than roadrunner to me, taking down to the floor and not letting go. "H-hey sis. I can't breathe" I whispered as I tried to catch my breathe. My mom had tears in her eyes as Lily moved to stand beside me. Mom walked over and hugged me as she gave silent sobs. "Hey mom it's okay I'm here, I'm here to stay." Me saying this caused her to slowly stop her tears and also pull away from me. I stop a group of kids looking at me from the living room doorway. "Hey lily who's the group of noobs?" I asked looking over my left shoulder to look at her. "This group of "noobs" as you called them are my friends!" Near the end of the sentence she did has hands toward the kids. "Oh okay!" I said with a smile. I lended over to look into the living to see what's all there. "Let's get this party started yeah?" I asked looking around the group. I take notice of the snacks on the table. I stopped suddenly causing Lily to bump into me. She walked in front of me to ask what's wrong. I gave her I look of pure horror and spoke with a shaking voice. "I-I um" I was now on the break of tears. Everyone looking with care in their eyes. "I LEFT MY CHIKEN NUGGETS IN THE CAR!!" With that said I ran out of the living and into the front yard.

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