Chatper four home sweet home

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Sage's POV:
I was on my way home like Lily asked of me while eating. 'I wonder is it bad to eat McDonald's? Like could it kill me?' I thought. I shock my head then out loud at a ref light said "We'll if it could it would be a great way to die!" I said. I heard a shrink type of sound from the car beside me and saw a woman looking at me crazy. Then she looked into my backseat....where my black bags are that has my clothes in it. "Oh wait you heard me? Guess I need to stop saying things out loud, it could lead to trouble." I could see the panic in her eyes as I said that. Great now she thinks I kill people and I say AWKWARD! The light turned green and all I heard was the woman yelling at her boyfriend/husband/thing to hurry up and move.

(Time skip-brought to you by Ciel putting on a corset)

Still (Sage's POV)

Almost home I was so close like ten or fifteen minutes away but NOOOOO GOD THROW A WREAK IN MY WAY. "GOD I JUST WANNA GET HOME DAMNIT HOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!" I'm glad I had my windows up this time. I waited and waited, then waited a little longer. Heck at one point I almost turned around but then a line of cars got behind me. This is just my luck. "So much for a good first day home." I said as I heard my phone go off. "Hello?" I asked "hey bro it's lily. Don't take 41 there's this really bad wreak and now their talking about checking cars?" She finished with a more questioning tone. "FUCK! Wish you would've called like thirty damn minutes ago. I've been here if so long. And they are not even letting us turn around. WHY ME SIS WHY ME. I JUST WANNA GET HOME WITHOUT DRAMA BUT NOOOOO!! DO YOU KNOW WHY? BECAUSE GOD HATES ME MORE THEN MY EX GIRLFRIEND HATED YOU!!" I believe that got the point across. "Bro chill. It's not that big a deal. Plus you'd be here right when my friends all show up. Its a win lose thing. You lose cause you gotta wait but I win because my friends will be here when you show you!" I glad she's happy about my suffering. I anime sweat dropped. "Yeah what a great turn out." I replied. "Oh their here! Bye bro see ya soon!" Before I could say anything she hung up on me. "Thanks sis not like I'm stuck here without anything to do or anything." I said as I put my phone down and rolled my eyes. I heard a tapping on my passenger side window. Rolling it down to see a cop there. "Yes sir how may I help you?" I asked him trying not to show how mad I was that I've been here for almost 45 minutes. "Oh I was just telling you that they've said it's clear enough for you to go, but keep it slow just Incase there's glass or something still in the road." He said smiling at me. "Oh thanks so much. You see it's my first time back home in almost a year so I've got a coming home party to get to and I'm about an hour late already." I said as I looked at my watch. "Thanks a lot sir!" I told the officer. "No problem." With that he walked back as I began to pull off. "Here I go. HOME SWEET HOME IM COMING FOR YA!" I yelled but then looked to see if my windows were all up. Thank Jesus they were!

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