Chapter 1

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before you read;
Guys I finally did a death order on my Instagram! @/pool.of.victors44

I lay heavy with thought on the canvas of my bed, not wanting to get up. Barely getting any rest I force myself up and out of this hard cot as all the lights in the dormitory flicker to life. Forcing my eyes open. I glance at the clock-5:00am. that's the time we are forced to get up here at Lalas' group home for orphans. Today is reaping day, so everyone is a bit warmer today. Normally they are strict and repressive
The reaping, where the capital picks 24 "lucky" boys and girls at a public reaping. One boy and one girl between the ages twelve-to-eighteen will be randomly selected from our dwindling population for the hunger games, where they will fight in a public arena until one tribute is left, he or she is then named victor and will mentor the next tributes from their district until they die. though the victor is also showered in wealth and fame. But we all know that's only a rouse to make the capital seem like they care. How generous.

The people here don't try to act like they care for us, as they opened this home for the extra food only. We are seen as nothing more than a food source to them, the food they receive is for us but we barely get ten percent of the over-all haul every few months.

A hand squeezes on mine. Elise. Her chocolate brown eyes stare at me, bringing comfort, I try to force a smile, though it comes out as an awkward cry for help. Elise, my best friend, my only friend since we were young. She squeezes my hand as we exit the dorm for breakfast. "You will be alright, don't sweat it dude." Her voice warm and chipper. "seriously, you always get like this and what happens?" she keeps her eyes on mine, lifting her eyebrow. patiently waiting for an answer. "I don't get picked, but its normal to be a bit anxious." I say.

"Of course it is but you take it to a new level." she says, at first I think shes hinting a joke but when she doesn't laugh I realize it's concern I am seeing in her eyes, not her usual mirth and playfulness. "I mean Nate, how many scenarios have you come up with this morning for what will happen at reaping." I fidget with my fingers not wanting to look at her now. "12." I say in a hoarse voice. "My point." she says, I'm not looking at her but I know shes smirking. "you will be fine Nate, promise."

Me and Elise met when I got here at age seven, she was eight. Being feminine the other boys started to call me names and trip me on the way to class in school. But then Elise fended them off, at her age she was one of the tallest kids in school and very athletic, consequently they didn't try her. She helped me through a lot in my life, without her I would go insane.

"Okay everyone, go take showers and met back here in fifteen! I want to be early! come on, get going!" Angie's voice screams at us from the tiny speakers in the dinning hall. "Meet you in fifteen Nate." Elise whispers and playfully nudges me. then shes gone.


My shower was cold and filled with frightful thoughts. Could I be chosen this year? And if I'm chosen, What if the other careers cast me away from their pact and I die an awful death from who knows what kind of nightmare? Or worse, I get them killed? What if there will be no throwing knifes in the arena? Will no one volunteer for me? The last thought pushed all other thoughts to the back of my mind as that one is obvious. Of course not. The only person I could think of is Elise, but shes a girl and only boys can volunteer for a boy.

I wrap the towel around my skinney and shrunken waist, my ribs poking out from hunger. in the mirror I see my eyes, they are crystal blue, elise says they remind her of the ocean on a clear day, but they are puffy and red now. I comb through my light brown hair, parting it on my left. I look away and see on the drawer is a simple dress shirt. navy blue denim with gold buttons lining down the middle. I pick it up softly, I never wear anything so fancy but on this day. I pull the shirt on and pull on some black pants with my belt that is now peeling at the ends from years of use. When I'm done getting ready I leave the dorm and head out to where Angie wants us to met, the entrance hall.

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