Chapter 5

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Sounds of swords clacking and bodies falling off of ropes and grunts ricochet off the walls in the training room. Today is our last day here. Our last day to prepare for the games, physically. I decided to focus on myself today and my own skills. I can't be utterly useless after all. Training my eyes on the fire I try again. I rub my palms from the top to the bottom faster and lower. Faster and lower. Faster and lower. I almost let out a cry of joy as a spark of fire develops. Colors of red and green and blue and orange illuminate in my eyes.

"Good job." Someone from behind me says in a soft yet deep voice. Mat.

"Didn't think I would see you again." I say without looking at him. He places his hand on my shoulder and grins at the small fire. The warmth of his hand puts something in my stomach that I can't describe. Am I nervous around him? Before I can answer my question he interrupts my thoughts; "Enjoying the view." I hadn't realized I was starring at him until he said something. I quickly turn my head away my his and on the fire."Shut up." *shut up?* I feel his stare on me and my ears heat up with embarrassment. "I was just thinking about something. has nothing to do with you." *nice save idiot* before I could continue talking like an idiot he traces my jaw with the tip of his finger, slowly and softly. "Your cute." He smiles at me, it's then I see how perfect and white his teeth are. What am I thinking? This guys my competition. But he's so cute.
That night we had fish and watermelon for dinner. Fane barely acknowledges us, again, as he went on and on about how handsome the boys from two and six are. My heart drops as he talks about mat. "I would let that boy from six do things to me if he won, what was his name again?" Fame asks, twirling his finger around in his hair. Without thinking I snap back at him. "Mat." The sudden intrusion surprises everyone at the table, even Marcus who is now awake. "Woah, who's Mat?" Marcus asks with a wink as his eyes avert to mine. Digging daggers into them. "My ally." I think back to his soft fingers trailing my jawline, feeling suddenly vulnerable I rest my hand on my jaw.

"Yes, me, mat, and Nate will be working together." Elise answers in a matter-in-fact tone. I'm happy I have her, if not I would have totally made a fool of myself just now. So I let her do he talking. Marcus looks at Elise then at me. "I was down at the training room earlier today, Nate. You weren't subtle." At those words I feel my whole face turn red and I need an out. Anything. I can't let Elise know what happened at with me and Mat. Either way it was nothing. We are allies and that is all.

"Just a reminder, we will be working on your interview skills tomorrow after the scores are revealed." Mags intervenes. I always liked mags but right now I want to kiss her, I owe her one. "Your no fun mags, but yes. Tomorrow will be your personal training session where you will get scores from 1-12, but no one gets a 12." Marcus says looking away from me and back to his fish.

"Yes, I'm very excited to give you pointers on your posture! And how to walk, ugh you guys will be so cute!" Fane squeals in my ear, I hate that he has to sit so close to me. I finish my meal as Fane goes on and on about what he wants to 'fix' about me. God I absolutely 'cant' wait.
The air is frigid here, the walls are steel and prison like. We sit on plain silver chairs that barely sits one person. We are seated by district and called up to our private session one by on. "Axil." The intercom blares as Axil stands and walks out with a bounce in his step. How am I going to kill these people? My mind goes on a tangent of scenarios that could happen and what if's fill my brain until they call my name. I feel Mats eyes on me but I can't look at him, I can't let him get me flustered and ruin this chance to prove myself. I decide to look at Elise and she gives me a reassuring smile. I wish we could be home again, racing in the halls and not caring about the consequences. Reality is, I have to prove myself to survive, and I have to do it now.
my eye catches on the fire setting station, I have practiced mainly there but they won't see that as anything worthy. I pick up one of the knifes. The Handel feels familiar and comforting almost. The blade striking and pointed. I run my finger along the Handel, it's cold and bumpy.

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