7 - Warning

924 68 34

/Chapter 7\


He texted me. He actually decided to text me hello. Oh my God. Oh my God! I squealed with delight as I laid back on my bed, kicking my feet around in the air. Finally. I rolled onto my stomach and grabbed the nearest pillow. Immediately I buried my face in it and screamed. Maybe about a minute was spent doing that.

"Zen, you okay in there?" Dad called through my closed bedroom door.

"He texted me," I yelled, looking up from the pillow to the door. "He texted me!"

"Then don't leave him hanging! Say something back!" he shouted back. I could hear a smile in his voice. Quickly I rolled back onto my back and unlocked my phone again, revealing Patrick's text.

From: Patrick
Hey, this is Patrick :)

I bit my lip and slowly typed a response, looking over it before sending it.

To: Patrick
Hi :)

The Next Morning

"Good morning Zenna," the librarian greeted as I walked up to the desk, smiling at me.

"Good morning," I answered, smiling back. I felt bad about never remembering her name since she remembered mine, but I couldn't help it. It was something really long.

"Is there a certain book you're looking for this morning?" she asked.

"Yeah, um, would you happen to have Pride and Prejudice in here?" I replied. A thoughtful look washed over her face for a minute until she smiled and nodded.

"I saw it the other day in the back somewhere. I'll go get it for you," she informed me as she stood up from her rolling chair.

"Okay, thanks!" I exclaimed. She strolled into the room behind the desk, and I pulled my phone out of my back pocket to check the time. 7:50, ten minutes before the bell rang. Sliding it back into the pocket, I looked up and instantly found Patrick waving at me through the window that served as a wall. I smiled and waved a little bit back. There was something different about him today, but I just couldn't place it. Did he look different? I couldn't tell. He was wearing his usual little black fedora (which is weird because we aren't supposed to wear anything that covers our heads) with a half-sleeved jean jacket and black T-shirt underneath. Maybe it was that his gray Converse were a little cleaner than usual, the new whiteness of the toe part and the black of his jeans contrasting quite well. He started making his way to the door just as the librarian came out of the back room.

"Found it!" she said, holding it up as if she had just discovered an important document.

"Thank you," I repeated.

"Oh, it was no bother," she smiled as she held the book out to me, and I took it gladly. It was a little lighter than expected, which was nice. "Have a nice day dear."

"You too!" I responded. Turning on my heel, I headed to the library door and approached Patrick as he started to open it.

"Hey," he greeted. "I saw that you were in here and I wanted to come say hi."

"Hello," I said. It was really hard to keep myself from giggling. He smiled as if he knew what I was thinking.

"Okay, so saying hi wasn't really all I wanted to say. I also wanted to ask if you had heard about Joe's party tomorrow night after the basketball game," Patrick said as we slowly strolled out of the library and started down the semi-crowded hallway together.

"No, I did not. It makes sense since I'm not that good of friends with Joe," I replied.

"Well, you're friends with me, and I'm friends with him, so I wanted to see if you wanted to go," he blurted out with a hopeful look on his face. Me? Go to a party? With Patrick?

"Like, with you?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed.

"Kind of. I'll be riding with Joe and Quinn and Lizzie, and we could take you there with us if you wanted."

"I don't know. I mean, I've never been to a party before..." I trailed off.

"It'll be fun, I promise. It won't be one of those weird parties where people make pot brownies and get wasted and shit. There'll be good music, and you'll get to hang out with all of us and we aren't that bad, right?" That cute little smile on his face convinced me.

"I'll ask my dad if I can," I smiled, and he grinned even bigger.

"Great! I'll tell Joe when I see him later," he said.

"Alright," I agreed. We stayed silent for a minute after that, just walking down the hallway and enjoying each other's company.

"Hey," he started, and I glanced over at him with a confused look.

"Yes?" I asked.

"You know that new kid Pete? In my grade, kind of tall, has the black hair..."

"Yeah, he sits next to me in math. Why?"

"Well... just... be careful around him, okay? He's not someone you want to get to know," he slowly warned.

"Why not? Do you know him?"

"Yeah, more than I'd like to. He's really-" Patrick was cut off by the first bell. I began to walk faster.

"Can you tell me later? I have to go," I quickly asked.

"Yeah. Just... promise me you won't get too close, alright?" I nodded in response, and he nodded to acknowledge it. "Okay. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, see ya!" I called as I began to walk away. As I made my way through the crowd of juniors and seniors (since that was the hallway Patrick and I were walking in), I wondered why he warned me about Pete. I mean, Pete seemed like a really cool guy. Part of me wanted to ask Pete about it, but the other part of me just said to drop it. Maybe they had some fight in the past and a bunch of tension ended up staying between them. I didn't know, and besides, it wasn't much of a good idea to ask. After all, maybe they would make up soon. Or maybe I really did need to watch out.


AN: first, sorry that it's short. the next one will be long, i promise! and i would like to sort this out really quickly just to be clear, because it does seem like something that i should clarify before we go any further:

character looks:
patrick: srar era
joe: srar era (with a lip ring 😎)
pete: folie à deux era
andy: folie à deux era
(yeah, it's a little weird for splitting them up into two different time periods, but i'm just gonna go with it.)

anyway, thank you all so much for 100 votes on this! you guys are really rad ❤️ that is really cool, and i am so glad that you guys like the story this much! sorry for being such a slow updater. :/

GOAL: can we please get 15 votes and 7 comments again (that aren't mine)? thanksss.

have a nice day everyone. -sarah xx

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