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(Xiaozhan's POV)
It was morning I knew it cause the sun was shining right on my eye but I don't know why I felt uncomfortable I opened my eyes and I noticed that I was on top of someone I looked up to see who it was
"Hey you're awake"
"What are you doing!?"
"Isn't me that suppose to ask you that question?"
"What are you talking about I don't understand"
"Did you remember what you did to me last night"
"What did I do?"
"Try to remember"
I tried as hard as I can to remember then that's when I was shocked I remember what I did last night and I was really embarrassed my face got really red and Yibo noticed he leaned in close to my ear and said
"Are you embarrassed?"
"n..n...no...wh....who said I am?"
"Then why you blushing"
After I heard that , that was the time where I couldn't take it anymore and I ran to the bathroom to organize my thoughts after I was done I saw Yibo sitting at the table and he was already eating I walked over and sat on the table but I sat at the corner of the table instead of sitting across from him when he noticed I was sitting at the corner he looked at me weird and I just put my head down and ate the food the whole entire breakfast we didn't talk to each other but I felt the gaze of Yibo's eyes on me I was really scared to look up because I don't know how to face him anymore because of what happened last night. After breakfast it was lunch not even lunch I looked at him or talked to him after lunch it was dinner and I still didn't say anything and I think that's when Yibo started to break the awkward and silence in between us
"Why are you acting like this? Stop avoiding me?"
"I'm not avoiding you"
"Oh really? Then why haven't you spoke a word to me since this morning"
"Do you like me"
I was cut off before I could finish my sentence and I just froze there I didn't know what to say I was scared that if I said yes I do like him he probably will hate me forever and I was scared that he will not like me back so I was scared to say anything I guess I didn't want to loose him so I just kept quiet
"Answer me "
"I need to go "
I was about to walk out the door cause I was going to tear up but then Yibo held me by my arm and said
"Where are you going?"
" I'm going to take a walk don't worry I will be back soon"
I held in my tears and turned around gave him a smile then I ran out through the door......

It's so sad 😞 Xiaozhan is crying 😢 will Yibo go after him and comfort him please leave a comment😊 and a vote ⭐️ thank you so much hope you like this chapter.
Giving you a little peak at the next chapter title
Can you guess what is going to happen next 😉

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