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Leading her down the corridor towards the dragon's room, Shu kept quiet. A troublesome task was at hand and frankly the lazy vampire wasn't up for any adventure. He knew his adopted sister too well and once she decided a rescue mission was at hand, he followed along. More out of a sense of duty, some would think that as he was the eldest after all, however the blonde vampire just couldn't deal with the argument with his younger brother if Tatianna should perish while he was away studying at school. Although his mother or himself never promised the raven haired vampire to keep watch over his beloved little witch, subconsciously the two pure bloods did it knowing full well the wrath of Reiji.

"His room is his safe zone" the eldest retorted nochalantly into the air, not really expecting a response.

Tatianna follows behind him, knowing the route to well as she's followed him, many times before to Sapphire's room. "I can believe it, my room is my safe zone as well"

Shu only nods before stopping at the door. He leans against the wall and closes his eyes yet again. Using a very slow motion with his hand, he indicates to her that she should knock on the door.

"Will he even hear us?" The door reinforced since their last visit to Sapphire's room.

"He is a half blood vampire, his senses are better"

"Fair enough"

"You do the honors" Shu smirked at his sister.

"Are you chicken?" She retorted back at him.

"Does it look like I have a beak and wings?"

"I can arrange that" she mutters annoyingly under her breathe, she goes to knock on the door. "Unless you want to be big bird?" she looks at her brother as she waits an answer from the pouting dragon.

"I'll snap your neck" he replied, not caring if she heard the malice in his voice or not.

"Yeah I know, big scary vampire, I'm scared...see goosebumps and knees shaking" she knocks again, not sure who to be more annoyed with Shu who has no sense of humor or Sapphire the pouting dragon "I'm kidding Shu besides you'd be better as a kitten anyways" After some time of waiting, the hologram of Lionel appears. Instinctively the witch's guard goes up at his presence as they have an extremely lengthy love hate relationship of Lionel wanting to kill her for no good reason. Playing on the emotional Tatianna, he explains how Sapphire is hurting and there is absolutely nothing they can do to fix it. Not accepting this answer she confronts the hologram.

"How can we fix this?"

"Only he can" says Lionel.

"You expect me to just accept that while my friend is suffering? Friends don't do that Lionel, friends try help each other."

As she finishes her statement, Lionel glitches out and Shu has a worried look about him. He bangs on the door, demanding Sapphire open it and all they hear is a muffled go away.

"Can't you just teleport us in there?" She asks him. He sighs knowing she won't give up even if he says no. His eyes glow black to red for a moment then he replies to her.

"Whatever happened to promising to being safe for my brother hmmm?"

Without a second thought or allowing her to reply, Shu grabs Tatianna by the arm and teleports them both into the unknown of Sapphire's room.

Resurection of Shu SakamakiWhere stories live. Discover now