**Chapter Two - The Confrontation - Part Two**

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Within the mansion halls, Sapphire lurked with the eldest born of the Sakamakis. His intentions were extremely clear to Tatianna by now and knowing that he had mere seconds before that turncoat elder dragon helped her escape his labyrinth he set up for her, the younger dragon hybrid grabbed his prey and headed to the grand room.

The room was lively with discussion amongst the elders of the Sakamaki clan. Cordelia sat to Karlheinz' left basking his attention, his words of empty promises and dreams kept the purple haired vixen entertained. His second wife busied herself with the needlepoint in her lap. The bile in her throat threatening to leave every time she heard the other vampiress giggling and flirting with her husband. The demonic form of Sapphire smiled knowing he could possibly use these people to his advantage, one vampire only possibly cared for Shu yet she used him as a pawn most of his childhood. He watches them for a few more moments, waiting for the little witch to appear.

"What's taking her so long? I thought she was smarter than this?" he yanks back on Shu's hair hard causing the barely conscious vampire to groan. "Or has being with Reiji made her stupid? She should have been with you if she was willing to become one of those idiot brides like Yui" Sapphire picks up on her vanilla scent and he drags the firstborn son into the grand room.

Sapphire appears before the elder Sakamakis with demonic black eyes, a knife against the throat of the eldest son who is still suffering from the poison that was inflicted on him. Shu is covered in blood as well which gets the attention of the elders in the room.

"So who wants to be the witness of the death of the firstborn" he asks the stunned crowd.

Cordelia comes out of her shock first, never seeing the lazy vampire in such a state, his clothes tattered and torn, blood now seeping from an obvious gapping wound to his stomach that would have killed any mortal instantly. "Okay...calm down. Do you want a hug? Do you want food? Do you need money?" she is so beside herself at the sight before her that she can't not fathom what his actual parents are thinking.

"Stop it Sapphire...let Shu go and I'll do what you want, just don't hurt my brother anymore" she looks pleadingly at him. An evil smirk crosses the face of the Halfling before he answers her.

"Wow you're dumber than I thought Cordelia" he turns his head and looks at Tatianna. He locks his black eyes with her blue ones, "But you can't do what I want, if you could that would be surprising"

Shu's father replies before anyone else "Oh this is interesting, I'm sure if Reiji was here he would disapprove little Tatianna"

Beatrix glared at her husband "don't underestimate her Sapphire, if anything she's loyal to her brothers and you already know that"

Highly annoyed that the attention is off her Cordelia retorts with a sarcastic reply " I'm tired as shit okay, do you want something or not? You have a "hostage" in your possession so you clearly want something Sapphire. So what do you want?"

Sapphire presses the knife more into Shu's neck "So she will kill Shu if I asked her too cuz that's what I kind of want to do right now. And wow Cordelia you hate Shu that much and yes I want something...him dead!"

Cordelia sighs "I am too tired for this shit"

Karlheinz watches the little witch "oh I got to see this"

Tatianna looks at Sapphire challengingly "try me" she doesn't back down from his glare although the evilness is surprisingly frightening to her. She's never sent her friend this way and she decided she won't back down from him.

"OH please you really think I believe you that you would kill him?"

She walks up to the male and glares at him, taking the knife from Sapphire she lines it up with Shu's heart and pushes it in, giving it a slight twist at the same time.

Sapphire chuckles as the Shu in his hand glitches and fades away, unknown to anyone else. Beatrix cries out to her daughter "Tatianna no"

"I am surprised little witch" he continues to chuckle as he stares her down, the real Shu replaces the hologram that the elders saw.

"When I give my word I meant Sapphire, you of all people know this"

"Do you hate your brother that much you would kill him?" he asks inquisitively at her.

"No, I love him that much so he won't have to suffer from your hands anymore that's why I would kill him as much as it would kill me"

"And you would make everyone suffer especially his husband" Sapphire clicks his tongue disapprovingly at her.

"His husband would do the same thing, even if Reiji was in Shu's place I'd still do it. I rather end their suffering then let you continue your sick twisted game. We aren't there anymore Sapphire so cut it out." She demanded to the male.

Sapphire's head twitches "fine you explain to his brothers and lover how the knife ended up in his heart" the demonic male disappears as quickly as he appeared leaving the true battered body of Shu Sakamaki on the floor with a different knife embedded into his heart. The little witch looks at her mother who can only shake her head at her. Tatianna sighs and looks over her brother's body. She disappears into the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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