**Chapter One - The Confrontation - Part One **

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**Spoiler – somebody’s going to get hurt real bad =) I warned you don’t bitch at me =) **

Tatianna blinks adjusting her eyes to the darkness of the room, she reaches out for Shu's arm. For once in her life time, uncertainty hits her and she wishes that she actually listened to the voice in her head that told her this was a bad idea. The room echoes all sound and vibrations as the pair move about. The darkness adds to their imagination as they can not see what is in front of them directly and must rely on their sense of hearing mostly.

Hello” calls out Shu his voice echoing throughout the room.

I told you not to come in here” the voice mechanical and yet a resemblance to Sapphire replied. The duo stop for a moment, taking on their surroundings.

I don’t think this is Sapphire's room Shu” with each growing minute Tatianna grows nervous as she doesn’t recognize the presence in the room.

That’s why I told you to pray before bringing you on here.” He keeps a hold of Tatianna's arm gripping it slightly more tighter, making her wince in pain “ I don’t think Sapphire is Sapphire anymore

What makes you say that?” Sapphire’s voice eerily echoes around the room.

Who are you? Where’s Sapphire?” Tatianna demands with a slight nervousness in her voice. The dragon picks up on it and smirks in the darkness. He calculates her moves, knowing full well his intentions.
He appears before her, his eyes black as night, his smile wickedly showing his sharp teeth to her. “I’m right here

Shu, not noticing the appearance of Sapphire, moves forward, letting go of the witch as he does, “Come on Sapphire, control yourself, this is not you

Tatianna grabs her brother quickly, feeling frightened as she does, hoping not to allow Shu to get to close to the dragon hybrid. “Shu this isn’t Sapphire.” She looks towards the black eyed male. “What do you want besides harming us?

Shu is perplexed by his sister’s reaction to Sapphire. Of course Sapphire has tried to kill her before in the past but that was long forgotten or so Shu thought and he tried to reason with his friend for his sake and the sake of his sister. He thought before reasoning with his friend he would calm his sister’s nerves as she could bring the entire mansion down if they weren’t careful. “No, it’s Sapphire, look they told me this might happen. It’s basically his inner evil from Lionel and Sapphire and the institute buried it because it could be dangerous….it’s kind of like black magic but it’s not.

Who said I wanted to harm you two lovelies” an innocent Sapphire asks

Sorry of I am not so trusting of anyone that looks like a demon right away. Remind me to kick your father’s butt for this” she tells Shu as she keeps a close watch on Sapphires movements. “Do you even understand black magic Shu?

Well no but it’s evil and this isn’t Karlheinz' doing….”

Boring” Sapphire violently shoves Tatianna to the side leaving Shu on his own. Two large black demonic claws plunge into Shu's stomach as Sapphire let’s out a manic laugh. Tatianna screams for her brother and sends a bolt of lightning towards the pair, striking Sapphire. He absorbs the energy, his black eyes look at her as he twists his claws before pulling them out. The girl readies herself with a silver dagger waiting on the demon’s next move. She watches as he licks the blood from his claws and the body of Shu slumps to the floor. Blood coming from the corners of the vampire’s mouth and obviously pooling from his stomach, he turns his attention to her as she gets up clutching her side.

Its been a long time since I’ve been chained up in that boys mind with that aging dragon. Would you believe me that this is only the second time that I’ve been able break free?” his demonic power starting to fade slightly within Sapphire but not enough to lose control or have Tatianna notice.

Obviously you’re a pain in the ass but you’re not here to go over your history as to why you were locked up so what’s going on?" She moves over to Shu, keeping an eye on the imposter Sapphire. “Why should I believe anything you have to say when you have hurt my family?”

Sapphire chuckles and moves closer to her, his face just inches from hers suddenly which startles her, “Have I given you any reason not to believe me?” he quickly moves taking a barely breathing Shu with him. The blonde vampire is just clinging to life and Tatianna watches the crazy dragon vampire with his intended victim “Do you think anyone will miss him?” Sapphire holds the vampire up by the throat with a knife pressing into his throat “I’ve been watching this family from the back row and it’s so dysfunctional. Your so-called father will just get another wife and have another son” he chuckled as the blonde groaned as his eyes closed, blood pooling at his feet. The little witch watched as the knife continued to press into Shu’s neck. “Such a waste if you as me” his tongue clicking as his black eyes stare at her challenging.

Don’t hurt him please” she looks at Sapphire with pleading eyes and tries not to let her voice crack “If you have any knowledge of this family then you know that man was never my father and never will be my father. He took advantage of a situation, using that title to get me away from mother, Shu and Reiji in order to use me for his stupid experiments. I would miss him, Yuma would definitely miss him so please don’t hurt him

But look at him, I should just put him out of his misery” Sapphire ponders a moment then gives her a sly grin “or better yet I can kill him in front of the whole family and see if they care too” He chuckles before getting a firmer grip on the beaten down vampire. “Have fun in the demon realm” he blows her a kiss and teleports away.

Tatianna blinks her eyes, trying to get her bearings then hears Lionel’s voice. “You need to get out of here” No shit, she thinks to herself and he continues to talk to her “Think about the mansion, focus on everyone ther, close your eyes” he disappears just as fast as he appeared on her mind.

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