I love you, dont go

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Leyden's pov -

Waking up every morning it Mexico was so refreshing, it was nice to wake up to the sound of tropical birds, nearby music and Cara's soft snores. The past two weeks had went in quickly as we half heartedly packed our things wishing we could stay longer and just be in each other's presence but reality was waiting for Cara to get back to work and for me to go back to my internship, I had only a week left before I needed to go back to Scotland and I was dreading to tell cara that's how long we had together left, even though we've only been a couple for a mere few weeks we had fallen for each other quite fast and I knew I didn't want to spend my life without her, I scoffed at myself for turning into a sappy git, I used to make fun of people In love and know I am one of those.. I wonder if Cara feels the same way about me or if I was just a fun fling, but she wouldn't have took you to Mexico to spend time with you if you meant nothing to herI argued in my head.

Cara's pov -

Mexico was good to me. I spent the past 2 weeks relaxing, getting a tan, drinking and having really good sex, who knew that a recent virgin could learn so quickly and be really good at it. I smiled naughtily to myself picturing the last few evenings in my head.

We were going home tomorrow early in the morning as I had a photo shoot at midday and Leyden had to be at Mia's studio for a PR event that I would be attending later that night, it made me smile knowing even though i would be still at work I'll still see her beautiful face across the room.

For our last night I wanted to make it special, I sent Leyden out to the near by shops to get some things to get her out of the villa. I decided to make a traditional Spanish chicken dinner with lots of spices and some wine, I set the candles and I sprinkled some rose petals over the table before running upstairs and putting rose petals all over our bed and arranging some candles on the side cabinets, I stood back and admired my work feeling proud of myself, I guess I could be quite a romantic when I wanted to be. I had one more surprise as I stripped down to nothing but my underwear and put on a sexy little apron as I sat and waited for Leyden to come back from the shops.

Leyden's pov -

Cara had sent me to the shops to buy some souvenirs and I knew she was up to something, she was like a hyper little child trying to get rid of me so they could cause trouble, I left the house feeling suspicious but soon forgot about it as I was in my glory when I arrived at this cute little souvenir shop with little sombreros, maracas and traditional Mexican clothes. I spent around an hour in the shops buying presents for my family and buying some things for Cara to give to her family, I got the cutest little dinosaur you for Jourdan's son Riley and a beautiful traditional bracelet for Jourdan before heading back to the villa.

I walked up our little path taking in the view of the sea pouting as I remembered we had to go home tomorrow, I walked in the door and my mouth dropped, the house smelled amazing and Cara came walking round the corner in a sexy underwear set and a cute little apron singing beyonce "I'm in my penthouse half naked I cooked this meal for you naked" she sang loud shaking her butt giggling. I laughed so hard at this silly girl. "I can't believe you put in all this effort for me baby I love it" I squealed kissed her passionately. "You haven't seen everything yet" she smirked grabbing my hand sitting me down at the table whilst she served me dinner, it smelled and looked amazing I couldn't wait to get tucked in. I couldn't tell if I was more hungry for dinner or Cara as she kept wiggling past me bending over, she really did bring out the naughty side of me.

After our lovely dinner we made our way to the bedroom Cara literally dragging me by my pants, once again she spoiled me as the bed was covered in rose petals and the candles were scattered all across the room. "Let's go for a shower first" she suggested biting at my bottom lip for entrance. We started off in the shower before taking it to the bed and eventually the floor. We had rose petals stuck to our wet bodies everywhere you could think of and places where they should never be. We lay exhausted on the floor in each other's arms in a content silence just listening to each other's chests go up and down when I had an impulse come over me. "Cara? I love you" I blurted out.

* hey guys I hope this is okay!! Ps I know I've never said this but I've always In visioned Leyden to look like Nina Dobrev? When you read this who did you picture in your head to be Leyden???* let me know!!

Xoxo L

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