Where are you

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Leyden's pov -

I felt like my whole world was collapsing as I rushed out of Cara's flat, I thought we really liked each other and she was over Michelle, she told me on so many times she didn't care for her anymore and that she only had eyes for me. I can't believe I fell for her stupid lies I should have known better not to choose a famous celebrity to date as they were all sneaky and fake I guess but I really thought she was different..

I'd been wandering London's streets for the past few hours now, I had no phone battery, no money and nowhere to go, I had enough money for some food and essentials but not enough for a hotel or anything like that as I had planned on living with cara and then looking for a job to pay half the bills and things but clearly that won't work. I sat on a park bench and the tears wouldn't stop falling, I didn't know if I was crying because of cara and Michelle or because I was in London alone and it was getting dark. There was only one other person I knew in London that lived close by that would maybe let me stay for the night until I got my shit sorted.. I started walking in the direction to Cara's best friend Jourdan's house. I hope this is a good idea.

Michelle's pov-

I can't believe Cara's girlfriend just caught us kissing, I feel so terrible even though that's what I did to Cara a few months ago I thought to myself guiltily, Cara looked so heartbroken before she turned and screamed at me to leave, it really took me by surprise I've never saw her this angry before as she quickly tried to get changed to run after her girlfriend probably, I wish I could change things so bad between us but I left her flat with tears in my eyes quickly wiping them away, I deserved everything I got! I couldn't help but think what would have happened if I hadn't kissed that girl in the club all those months ago, I don't even know why I did it.. I seem to change when I'm drunk and I turn into such a horrible person to be around, I wish I hadn't hurt cara, she was so special to me, she was the only person who could make me truly smile and feel warm inside and I had lost that. Maybe one day I will win her back...

Cara's pov -

I kicked Michelle and changed quickly so I could run after Cara, I have called her at least 50 times but it keeps going straight I voicemail, I'm starting to worry now as it's getting dark and I'm pretty sure she knows nobody else in London.. I quickly phoned another number hoping it would pick up as I was so close to crying in public "hello, babe?" I let out a sigh of relief when I heard my best friends voice. "Jourdan" I choked out "I've done something really stupid and I can't find Leyden anywhere" I sobbed. " whoa calm down don't cry please I won't be able to help you if you can't speak to me" she said calmly trying to make me stop crying but before I could speak I thought I saw Leyden so I babbled some sort of goodbye to Jourdan before hanging up and rushing after the figure I thought was her.

I ran through the crowds until I tugged the sleeve of the girl, she turned around and almost screamed in my face out of fright because it wasn't Leyden, I apologised quickly before searching for her some more, I didn't bother calling Jourdan back as she probably couldn't help anyway.

Jourdan's pov -

Well that was a weird ass phone call I thought to myself confused, I wonder what Cara had done to make Leyden run off, she was a sweet girl I hope cara didn't upset her too much. I didn't think too much of it and went to go help my son with his drawings. We were drawing for about 15 minutes when the doorbell went and Riley got up to get it, I thought it would have been maybe cara coming round for a cry and cuddle but my sons little voice shouted. "Mummy it's for you" indicating that it wasn't cara as my son wouldn't have even bothered with me if Cara was here. I got up and peaked out from the door to see Leyden with tear marks all over her face, she looked so small and fragile. " ohh babe are you okay what happened" I asked before bringing her into a big hug. " baby can you go play in your room for a while please, mummy has to speak to her friend" I whispered to my son who was looking at Leyden's tear stained with a curious expression. He ran off and I helped Leyden with her bags and things into my living room and she sat down. " okay so cara called me, she said she did something horrible and you ran off she seemed really upset, I didn't even know you where here??" I questioned Leyden. Leyden took a deep breath but crumpled immediately " I got kicked out of my house because my parents found out I was gay and I came to London to live with Cara for a little while until I got on my feet but when I got there I saw Cara and Michele, c-c-cara cheated on me w-with m-michelle" she sobbed loudly. I was taken aback with shock, that didn't sound like Cara at all, she didn't believe in cheating and she was heartbroken when Michelle cheated on her, something didn't add up right and I was going to get to the bottom of it. "Jourdan can I please stay here for tonight I have nowhere else to go" she pleaded looking at me over her wet eyelashes. " of course babe but I am texting Cara to let her know you're safe" she started to say something but I cut her off. " I will tell her not to come round but I am telling her, she's still my best friend and I don't want her worrying okay?" Leyden nodded sadly. I led Leyden to my guest room so she could get changed and get freshened up, I ordered takeaway for the 3 of us and settled down in front of the telly, but what Cara did is really bugging me, I can't wait to see her and have serious words .

Cara's pov -

I was making my way through Hyde park hoping I would see her on a bench when I got a text from Jourdan saying Leyden was with her which really surprised me, I was about to turn in a different direction to go to Jourdan's when I received another text telling me not to come over as "leyd was really upset and tomorrow would be better" I was about to argue back when I received yet another text. " Cara I'm warning you I'll kick your ass if u come over, you'll wake Riley and I want to have serious talk with you tomorrow" I shivered at serious talk I hate when people say that to me, but I guess Leyden told her what happened, I sighed I hope she hasn't made Jourdan think wrong of me. I headed home with some takeaway food and fell asleep early so I could go see Leyden in the morning and sort things out...

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