Now I'm Here

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(Dun,Dun,Dun,) Goes Brian May's guitar! They are playing Now I'm Here! "Here I stand" says the silhouette of a man. "Look Around around, around, around" The crowd goes crazy! He disappeared. "Now I'm Here" His silhouette appears on the right side of the stage! Cheers echo Madison Square Garden. "Now I'm There" he reappeared I'm the left striking another pose. " I'm Just A-" BOOM There there they are, the crowd is going nuts! Brian May, Rodger Taylor and Adam Lambert, We are living the dream! The song goes on then it gets to one of its final lyrics. "Now I'm Here (Now Im Here)" "New York City!" We cheer in awe, "Think I'll stay around around, around, around" "Down in the city just you and me" Boom! They go on and Rodger preforms am incredible drum solo at the end! We applaud the Queens on Stage. No time to wait, we go crazy when we hear the legendary piano rift for Seven Seas Of Rhye. We sit back and enjoy every second of the song. "Forever (Ever, Ever, Ever AHHH)" BOOM, BOOM, BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM! Without a second to spare Brian May goes into action playing the beginning part of Keep Yourself Alive! "I was told a million times of all the troubles in my way, but you grow a little wiser, little better everyday" Me and my Brother having the time of our lives. "Keep Yourself Alive, Keep Yourself Alive" They had played a much shorter version of the song. "All new PEOPLE!" And here come Brian on his guitar! It's time for that Hammer To Fall! They played the song in its entirety, "Time For That Hammer To, Hammer To FALL" Boom! We cheered in glee, we can't wait for the next song! Then (Dun,Dun,Dun,Dun,Dun,Dun)...

Queen Plus Adam Lambert Live At Madison Square Garden - Night 2- Where stories live. Discover now