Somebody To Love

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The oh so iconic piano rift starts to play as, the crowd and us cheer on to the beginning of Somebody To Love! "Each morning I get up, I die a little". "Can barely stand on my feet. Take a look into the mirror and cry. Lord what are your doing to me." As me and my brother sing along with the other Queenies, singing along since Adam in the masterpiece of this song. The song goes on as we still sing, "I just gotta get out of this prison cell, one day I'm gonna be free, Lord" Mr. Lambert holds that note for about 9 seconds. As we head over to the next part of the song the drum beats start popping in! "You now the words to this song?" He asked. " Sing It!" We cheer but without missing a beat we sing! Adam has also let us sing this part. "Find me Somebody To Love, Find Me Somebody To Love" as so forth. He eventually joins back in. " Can anybody find Me"...."Somebody ToooooooOOoo". He looks around for some time and then put threw his hands open, indicating that we sing this part. Me, my brother and the other thousands I'm Madison Square Garden all sing a giant "LOVE". Dun Dun, Boom. "Find me, Somebody To Love" The sing continued and as it ends we all give out a big cheer! Boom! He gave more Woo-Hoos and Cheers till the next song. We hear the beginning of The Show Must Go On. We cheer on as we sing along side Adam Lambert. "With the force of a wave we sing the chorus to the song "Show Must Go On!" "I face it with a grin, I never giving in! On with the show!" The sound of Brian May's pristine guitar solo flowed through the air and into our souls. "-I have to fight the will to go (with the show, with the) SHOW"! BOOM "SHOW MUST GO ON!" We applaud that amazing performance and wait for the next next, I'm sitting there wondering if the song will be strong enough to follow up to that song?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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