New Face

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So I had the weirdest dream about the reveal for Miraculous, it's hard to explain and very long so if you're interested in hearing it I'll post it in the comments, For my Wattpad users it's on my profile so go see it there, but for my users you can PM me. If you want to hear it.


Back at the restaurant again, it's my day off, but I really wanted to see my new friends. It's still raining so once again it's been pretty slow, we spent most of the time chatting and giving our life storie and whenever customers entered I'd sit over at my table in the corner and continue reading my book from the local library.

A glass is set down in front of me and I looked at it confused. "I didn't order anything."

"I know." Alya continues to pour my drink.

"I don't have any money on me."

"Girl don't even worry about it, it's fine. We're slow today anyway, might as well give me something to do. I'm gonna go get you your usual." She winks and I giggle. Out of everyone here I tend to talk to Alya the most, we've really have become very good friends.

"Thanks Alya." I take a sip from my straw and continue to read my book. The door jingles, meaning someone has entered the restaurant, but I don't look up at them, instead I simply just flip the page.

"What can I get for you sir?" I hear Rose say to the customer.

"Just a water please?" I nearly gasped and looked up at the man who entered the restaurant. Just as I expected it was the same blonde from yesterday that I had crashed into on the way home.

He looks over in my direction and I immediately look at my book and raise it towards my face hoping he doesn't see me or recognize me. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous all of a sudden, it's not like I know the guy so why should I care. Still, the embarrassment from yesterday and the harshness of his tone is still fresh in my mind. As long as I continue to sit here reading my book, he'll go away eventually.....or so I thought.

"Um....hello?" I tensed and nearly squeaked realizing that he was standing right in front of my table. "Is this seat taken?" He gestured to the seat across from me.

I blinked looking at the seat and back up to him. He was smiling at me, a smile that was very inviting and I felt like my heart would jump oyt of my chest if I stared for too long. However, I can still feel the frustration from yesterday still looming within me.

" can take it." I closed my book and stood up from my chair.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"To sit somewhere else."

"You don't have to move, you can stay here." He sounded nervous, it was almost like he wasn't sure that he wanted to talk to me right now.

"Well, I feel like I might piss you off if I stay here, so I'll just save us both the trouble and sit elsewhere." I turned away.

"W..Wait please!" He grabbed my wrist keeping me in place, it wasn't rough, but it was enough to keep me where I was. I looked back at him, then at the hand on my wrist. He quickly released me after that. "I..I'm sorry, I just um....I'm sorry..."

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