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I couldn't bear it anymore.

There was nothing.

Nothing from the Greenwood.

They wish me gone.

And gone I shall be.

Dis tells me I am with child.

All of my ancestors on my mother's side have been born in Fangorn, as we are Fangarian Elves. A rare race, where healing and weather magic are common. My family had the added burden of elemental magic, including Darkness, Light, Death, and Life. 

Interesting how Darkness and Death are similar, even in name. It is also true with Light and Life. 

They go together.

I'm rambling, aren't I?

I do that when I'm worried.

I'm afraid of being forgotten.

Perhaps this child will not forget me.

But not in the way my parents made sure I wouldn't forget them, never.

This child with be raised with love and joy. As much as a mother can give. For a father cannot be had, not anyone... but Him. 

I've sworn  never to speak his name, not even in writing. Not until he finds us, and claims us as family.

I'm leaving now. The dwarves are telling me to go, before I am too late to get to Fangorn in time.

Hyacinthia sounds pretty for a girl. 

Or Koldar for a boy.

I guess I'll have to wait and see.

(A/N: Otay, so I kinda copied and pasted this from my Quotev account (@.SoManyStoriesinMyHead, there is no Prologue on that one though... ) So If there are any Author's notes that seem weird, just ignore them... Anyhoo I hope you enjoy this, but I will say, I have a rewrite in the works because I cringe at this stuff sometimes, just a warning... ~Haven)

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