Chapter Eighteen: It's Hard to Wait

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Hyacinthia's POV

It's hard to wait. Gyana has been asleep for a week now. She's pale, and looks very sick. Kyada is out of his mind with worry, and everyone else is too. We've all been taking turns watching, though it's hard to pull Kyada and Cy away. I don't know why it's easy for me to leave the room, it's like I know someone is watching over her, and I'm at peace.

Gyana's parents don't feel the same though.

They've been fighting ever since Rakyada got here.

I walked back into the room where Kyada brought Gyana after she passed out. Kyada is still there. He's crying, he has been for the past week. I'm not sure what to do.

One Week Later

Gyana looks healthier. But she's still asleep. Vithrendir told us yesterday, after he (purposefully) went into a trance-like state, that Estë, the Healer of hurts and weariness, one of the Valar, was watching over Gyana and healing her, but that it will take a few more weeks.

It's still hard to wait.

Cylarixiene's POV

It's hard to see her like this. Zhyraenzia was basically my mother after Mithrandir rescued me and brought me to Lorien.

Speaking of that, you should probably know the truth, though you may have guessed it already, the truth of my lineage. I never knew my mother, I was told she died after birthing me. And my father, *spits at the ground*, is recently dead. His name was Saruman.

Only my family know of this fact, Zhy, Wyn, Thia, and Mithrandir. Lady Galadriel probably does too, but she's never confronted me about it.

I don't know how long I can wait.

Théodwyn's POV

My father always told me that those you love most will never leave you. At the time, he was talking about Mama. She died a year after I was born. After coming home, and finding out my brother was dead, that was one of the hardest things I had to go through. My last conversation with him was when he and some of the Rohirrim took me to Zhy. We didn't say goodbye on good terms. I didn't want to go, he didn't want me to either, but let Father send me away. And I didn't get to reconcile with him.

And now Zhy is on the edge of life and death. And I don't know if she'll come back to us whole.

Aragorn's POV

Whenever Zhy came to Rivendell she would tell me stories of Fangorn, of Mirkwood, Hobbiton, and Erebor. When I was old enough to leave, I visited every place she told me of, some only for an hour or so, but each one felt like her. Each one had a piece of her left.

And now she's laying in the Houses of Healing. With only a slight chance of survival.

Gandalf says she is weakening.

(I'm so sorry it's really short! I had the hardest time writing this out, because I didn't want to go straight to Zhy waking up. So this is the last chapter, because I had zero inspiration for the rest because this suuuuucks. SO next page/chapter-that-isn't-a-chapter will explain a bit more :D ~Haven)

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