Chapter 1: The beginnings

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*Frankie and Will went onto an assignment and Will still has a girlfriend Emma and We all think he may not love her anymore cause he has feeling for someone else.*

W: Emma I can't be with u.
E: Will what the hell are u saying.
W: I dont love u anymore......I am sorry i love someone else.
E:Ohhhhhh let me guess its FRANKIE. WHY......Hug.......
W: Because she is the one I ever think about and we always have our little romantic looks that we cant explain I just need her to know that I care for her so much.

*20 minutes later at the deaddrop*

W: Hey
S:What's up
W: I need to tell u something.
S: Go ahead.
W: I dumped Emma for someone else.
S: Let me guess......Frankie
W:Yah I just dont love Emma the way I feel about Frankie and I am afraid that her emotions are getting to her again so I need to call Kelly or drive to Connecticut myself to tell her myself and Frankie went to go vist her and I would really appreciate it if u go with me so u can distract Frankie or do someth........
S: So u want me to hang with frankie sonu can talk to Kelly about Frankie's feeling and you.
W: Ummmmm.....pretty sure

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