Chapter 3 : What Do You say

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*Next Day at the DeadDrop*

R:Hey everyone.....hows it going?
S: Hey Frankie can I talk to u?
*The Girls went to the Office*
F: So what do u wanna talk about?
S:U and Will.
F:ughhhhhh.... why
S:He broke off things with emma so he could be with u. Give him a chance.... When ever I see u guys on a mission with us he protects u and I have known will for a long time a he never has had that look in his eyes for other women only u and never Emma.
F: I know but if something happens to him I wont be able to forgive myself.
S:Okay but what did Kelly tell u..... you need to let love back into ur heart.
F: Fine I will try... but I am gonna see what he says.
S:Please i just want u to have a good relationships.

To Be Continued ♡

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