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(Summer's POV)

Ughhhhh, my life was ruined. How did I not realize that he was sitting behind us. Now he knows. Four years I was able to hide it and now he finds out, on the first day of school. Isabel tried to reassure me that he probably hadn't heard, but the flushed look on his face told me otherwise. And worst of all, Isabel told my mom about the party when we got home and now she was making me go. So, after school on Friday, me and Isabel walked over to her house. We ate a little and watched some TV, before going to get dressed. Isabel had this amazing tree house in her backyard that we had long ago turned into our hideout. We had done a lot of makeovers and fashion shows up there, so that was where our nice clothes were. Up we went, into the tree. Isabel already knew what she was wearing, she had been planning it since we found out about the party, but she had told me that I wasn't allowed to pick anything to wear because she wanted to style me. She got dressed and ready first, doing her makeup and putting her hair in some crazy braids, before turning to me. 

     "Alright, you need to look perfect tonight, so we better get started," She rubbed her hands together.

     "Whyyy?" I complained. I was really dreading tonight, and I could already feel nervous butterflies flapping around in my stomach.

     "Because Shawn is going to notice you tonight!" She started walking around and examining me. I didn't say anything, I guess because there was nothing I could say that would change the fact that although I was really nervous, I was also kind of excited. Isabel could never know though. First she chose my clothes. I put on a flowery off the shoulder dress that was about knee length and tight at the waist. Then, she did my make up. The eyes took the longest. She gave me blue eyeshadow, thick eyeliner and a lot of mascara. Lastly she did my hair. She put it into a half braid crown and curled the rest of it. When I looked in the mirror I had to admit, I did look pretty good. Isabel was so good at that kind of thing. She herself was wearing a jean skirt and a short flowy half sleeve shirt, had pink makeup, and had put her hair in a fancy ponytail. We stood looking at each other in awe.

     "My best friend is so beautiful," we said at the same time. We both laughed and carefully climbed down to the ground and put out sandals on. When we walked inside Isabel's house, her mom ambushes us before we walked out the door.

     "Oh you two look so beautiful, my little babies! Please be careful, and don't come home last midnight! Also, don't drink too much please, you'll regret it in the morning!"

     "Goodbye mom, we'll be fine!" Isabel shouted and dragged me out the door. "Let's go!" Brian's house wasn't very far so we could walk. "You're going to be fine," she assured me. I didn't respond, just looked ahead, trying not to throw up. When we arrived at the end of the driveway I took a deep breath and swallowed it down. 

     "If he tries to talk to me, what should I say?" I asked Isabel.

     "Just be yourself and try to act cool," she said quickly before knocking on the door. After a few seconds it opened and Brian and Shawn were standing on the other side. I could hear loud music playing from inside. 

     "Hey, welcome! Come on inside!" Brian gestures to where the music was coming from. I couldn't move but then Isabel pinched me. I rubbed my arm and walked past them, my face burning. "Hey, you like k-pop? So do I!" Brian said to Isabel as he escorted us inside. He must have seen the sticker she had on her phone for BTS.

     "Wait, no you don't," Shawn said confused.

     "Well Shawn, I've listened to it," Brian shot Shawn a look.

     "No you haven't," Shawn still looked confused. Brian groaned and just led us into the backyard where everyone was. People everywhere were dancing, laughing, talking, and drinking. It just had an atmosphere of fun.

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