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Halo Two: Shinra:

Shinra sat asleep in the chair when he felt something poke him in the side.

"Huh?" he asked. Celty stood in front of him. She had on her usual kitty bike helmet on.

"Oh, it's you," the doctor said. "How long was I asleep for?"

[About two hours,] Celty typed.

"Two hours?" Shinra asked. He looked around the lab.

[Yeah, you just dozed off,] she typed. [I wanted to wake you up but your dad wouldn't let me. He told me to just let you sleep.]

"Heh," was all her boyfriend said.

"Oh good, you're awake," Shingen said. "Come over here and look at this." His son and Celty walked over to the table. A large leather book sat in the middle surrounded by Kanji in white chalk. Charms sat around it as well.

"What is that?" Shinra asked.

"The Book of Enma," Shingen answered. He turned and opened the book with thick gloves on his hands. Shinra's stomach turned.

"Are you sure you should be doing that?" he asked.

"I had it warded as the higher ups instructed," his father said. "Plus, I have these gloves too." He turned to the first page.

"Take a look," the older doctor said. Shinra and Celty walked over to the book.

"There's nothing in it," the younger doctor said.

"Exactly," Shingen said. He flipped through each page with care.

[Why was this given to me?] Celty typed.

"My guess is that it would be safe with you," Shingen said. He closed the book.

"Why is it blank like that?" Shinra asked. "Is it supposed to be like that?"

"Yes," his father said. "We do not know anything about it." Shinra and Celty looked so confused.

"What?" Shinra asked. "What do you mean?" His father sighed.

"No one else can get close to it," he admitted. "We can't even get any of the staff to even get in the building."

"Oh..." Shinra mumbled. He noticed his father's gaze fixed on him. The younger doctor frowned.

"Wait..." he said. "You want me to...?" He could see the worried look on Celty's non-existent face.

"Oh, no!" Shinra was quick to say, shaking his head. "You are not pulling me further into this mess!"

"You don't have a choice anymore," Shingen said. He grabbed his son by the wrist. "I asked you to help and now you have a target on your back. They will come after you. You know too much now. You have no choice but to go further down this rabbit hole." His words were enough to make Shinra tremble.

"Dad?" he asked. Shingen didn't have to speak. Shinra sighed and dropped his shoulders.

"Fine," he grumbled. "What do you need me to do?" His father handed him a second pair of gloves.

"We are going to be here all day," Shingen told him. Shinra nervously laughed as he turned his attention to Celty. She too would have to stay with him for this book research.


Around three in the morning, a woman in her mid-thirties walked down to car park near her apartment. She had on a hoodie and a dark pair of jeans. Her hands were stuffed into her pocket as she looked around. The woman trembled as she kept her head down. She shuffled across to a black SUV at the end of the car park. Her right hand pulled out a small plastic bag. The woman started shaking as she stuffed it under the cover of the right front wheel.

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