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Halo Nine: Ghosts:

The lights flickered overhead in the Red Vintage Parlor. Mikado looked between Rin and Naho. His memories of them both started to come back. Rin was rather aggressive with her affections. She had a little game that she liked to play with him. She would lock him in her closet and make him watch her have sex with her johns.

"You have to keep quiet," she told him. What else could he do? This little game went on for a few nights. But then, she had to raise the stakes. One night, Rin was with one of her johns. Mikado watched from the locked closet. She looked into her job but he couldn't help but notice that she kept looking back at the closet. What was she doing? Why did she keep looking this way at him? Turn away. Turn away!

Suddenly, Rin stopped. Her john looked up, confused.

"Why did you stop?" he asked.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I have a confession to make," she said.

"What?" the confused man asked, laying on his back. The prostitute sighed.

"I have been cheating on you," Rin confessed.

"What?" her john asked.

"I'm so sorry." She hid her face from him. The poor man looked so confused.

"Who? Who is it?"

Rin got up and walked over to the closet. Mikado started to panic as the door opened. The john sat up and looked. Mikado sat in the closet, staring. Rin put her arm around his shoulders.

"This is my lover," she said. Both men looked at her in shock.

"What?!" they asked. Rin took Mikado by the hands and led him over to the bed.

"Now we switch!" she said. "Honey, you get in the closet and Mikado here will keep me entertained." She shoved john in the closet and closed the door. The poor man had to watch as Rin mounted the tadpole boy on her bed.

Mikado shuddered as he remembered that little encounter.

Naho wasn't as aggressive as Rin. But she still had strong affections for Mikado all the same. There could be something if he wasn't put off by her vast collection of teddy bears. They practically covered her room.

"These are my babies," she told him. Mikado nervously chuckled. Sure, she was an arctophile but still... It seemed a little bit too much.

The trio looked up when they heard soft footsteps walk into the parlor. A small brown and white teddy bear stood in the doorway holding up a red glass dish. Naho clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me!" she snapped. "Get back to your bed and take that stupid dish with you!" The little bear lowered his head and walked out of the parlor. Naho sighed and shook her head.

"Honestly," she said.

"Uh..." Mikado said. The women looked over at him. The tadpole boy sat quiet for a moment. How was he could he excuse himself without coming across as rude?

"Do you... need me for anything else?" Mikado asked at last. Rin grabbed his jacket as tightly as she could.

"I need you," she said. He stared deep into her dark green eyes. Naho cleared her throat.

"What?" Rin asked with gritted teeth.

"He can't stay here too long, remember?" Naho pointed out. "He' still alive. His soul is still in his body. You can have your sex fun some other time." Rin snorted.

"Fine," she grumbled, letting go of Mikado's jacket. But then, her lips moved to his right ear.

"You owe me a good night later," she whispered. Rin licked him on the ear lobe. Mikado shivered as his face turned red. Naho gave the prostitute a judging glare. Rin just ignored her.

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