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just that morning
(or every
day since they've
met, perhaps), Hangyul's
mind was occupied with
many thoughts-
such as
the pretty stranger
he met
at the beach.

he wondered
where she'd gone.
after the morning at his
place, the
mystery girl
hadn't been coming to
the beach anymore,
making him
wonder if he's done
anything wrong.

he only wished
he had her number to
text her,
ask her if
everything's okay,
but all he can do
is worry
in the apartment
he lives in and
going to the beach
in hopes of
seeing her

so, when he spots her
near the beach,
he knows
he can't lose this chance-
he wants, needs
to check up on the
girl who's
been gone for exactly
seven days (he
counted). so he
calls, "hey, mystery girl!"

and he tries
so hard
to ignore the jealousy
bubbling inside
of him
when he sees her hands
clasped in another's
because what
can he do? he's just a
in her eyes.

for all he
knew, the tiny boy beside
her could
be her boyfriend.

the pretty stranger
turns around-
her face reflecting confusion
till she
spots Hangyul
looking her way,
and she
sends a small wave
his way.
"hey, Hangyul."

he's surprised she
even remembers
his name
but brushes that thought
off when she
closer and closer.

"hi." she says,
"nice meeting you again."
and you too, he
responds before
"you never told me
your name."

"it's Tazannah-"
she says before her head
snaps back
to tiny boy, just
remembering that
he's still there,
waiting patiently for
her on
a bench.

Hangyul notices it
too. "sorry
for interrupting your date."
he scratches
his neck awkwardly
and bids
farewell, but just
as he's about to leave,
he hears
laughter. "you
think he's
my boyfriend?"

and Hangyul
looks like he wants
to die less
than a few minutes
later. he's extremely
flustered, splotches of
pink on his cheeks as he's
introduced to
tiny boy-
her cousin.

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