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Tazannah trudges
across a pebbled, sandy
path as
she nears the beach-
the silhouette of
under the moonlight
sending her heart

she's almost
hesitant to go forward,
but she
forces another
step forward.
stop being a coward, she
chastises herself in her
head, when
he's already here,
waiting for you.
she knows
that there's no turning
back when Hangyul
spins around-
eyes locking, full of
unsaid words.

"i-" "hey-"
the two try
to initiate small talk
before they dive into
what they're
really here to talk about
but they
blurt it out at the
same time,
causing their cheeks
to heat up. Tazannah
a smile as she asks,
"can i go first?"
nods, hands clammy.

"um," Tazannah
takes in a deep breath she
desperately needs
Hangyul's so close
to her and she
can barely
concentrate on what
she's wanted
to say to the
aforementioned boy.
"firstly, i'm sorry."

raises an eyebrow,
but it isn't filled with
much humor,
to their past encounters.
"what are you apologising
for- the
fact that you
ran away or the fact
that you
kissed me?"

Tazannah can't even
answer his
question. "i-i, uh-"
but Hangyul's
already gotten up from his
seat on the
rocks. "forget
it; I'm leaving.
good night."

wait! Tazannah
calls out. "look, i like
you, dummy!"
and it's till the words
are blurted out that she
it's true-
she does like him, despite
having known him for
a week or so.
she hates how she
sounds so desperate,
so breathless,
her heart pounding-
for a reaction.

"-and i don't know if
you like me back or
not but i'll take my shot.
i don't
regret kissing you.
hell, I hate
that you're clouding
my mind with
everything you do. I'm
for leaving, but if
you're going to do the
same, then .."
her voice fades out
into the eerily silent night-
apart from
the bubbling feelings
inside of her
that sound
clearly in her ears.

"well," Hangyul
says, his lips stretching
into a grin
despite lashing out
a minute ago, "dummy,
you're in luck
i like
you too."

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