The Scarlet Serpent

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Mad's was right. Neither girl had cared much for what she had in mind, but they had had a hard time arguing once she had pointed out that no one had a better plan.

Mads winced as Aunt Evie squeezed her arm a little too tight, her long red nails like claws in her skin. They had arrived at the library minutes to midnight, and while the outside had been empty as a tomb, the inside was a hive of activity. Mads hadn't know what to expect when her Aunt had led her here, her questions only answered with a you'll see, and an enigmatic twist of ruby lips.

Evie had known where she was going, even after so many years away. They had gone straight past the stacks, behind the librarians desk to a tiny door in the wall. Painted to look like the rest of the wall, so hidden she would have never found it herself. They had gone down a long winding staircase, so deep that there was a chill in the air even in summer, into a cavern of stone walls and blackened tunnels.

When Evie had brought Mads home she had known it wasn't for sentimental value. Evie belonged to a coven, and she expected Mads to belong to one also. Specifically, to hers. Mads had put it off long enough, but the knowledge of a coven might be the only thing that would save her, and Gin and Annie.

Aunt Evie leaned in close, her fingers still wrapped around Mad's arm, "Don't speak to anyone even if you recognize them. Tonight is about the weighing of candidates, and if you are found wanting there will be consequences for not only you, but me as well."

"Like what?"

"I had to vouch for you in order for you to be invited tonight." Evie answered, "My reputation, and place here, depend on your acceptance. If you fail to gain entry, I will have to choose. Shun you, and keep my place in the coven, or choose you, and both of our memories of this be erased. That path has never ended well."

"What do you mean?"

Evie's eyes darkened, "So many of my memories, of who I am, are associated with this coven. If they were to be removed I'm afraid I would be driven mad by the gaps in my mind. At least, that has always been the end result in the past." She turned to Mads, a smile returning to her easily, "But we needn't worry about that Madeline, because you will be accepted, and you will make me proud. Isn't that right?"

Mads didn't bother to answer, but she sighed in relief when Evie let go of her arm to grab a mask from a basket by the door, the end of the room in such deep shadow she doubted anyone could see them at all. She held one out to Mads, a white bird, the feathers silky against her fingertips as she took it, sliding it over her face. Evie's was a gold fox, the edges catching the light.

Evie handed her a robe from the wall, Mads white, Evie's black.

"The colors represent the role. I belong here, you are a hopeful." Evie explained, "Our coven is part of a larger group from all over the world. Tonight, there are many, but not all of us. The only time we all gather in one place is during times of great meaning or tradgedy."

"So, kind of like a sorority?" Mads flinched at Evie's sharp look, her eyes dangerous even behind a mask, "I just mean you're like an offshoot of a bigger group."

"No." Evie stated flatly, "Nothing like a sorority. We are a coven, of some of the greatest witches of this time. You'll know more when you are accepted."

"Ohhh-kay." Mads mumbled under her breath when Evie turned away, before following her into the crowd, "Um, what should I be doing?"

"Mingle, meet some of the other members, and make a good impression, or you'll never be accepted."

Evie walked away, leaving Mads alone in the crowd. Mads crossed her arms, "Sure sounds like a sorority to me."

She glanced around, flipping her hood on so she could take in the surroundings. The sound of murmuring conversations echoed in the large space, the words and tones bouncing around at each other until it was a tangle. Candle holders were set in the walls, the red wax dripping down like blood, and everywhere she looked were robes and masks and hidden faces.

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