Chapter 1

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3 pov
Error was in the anti void crocheting a new doll for the new chara he saved while ignoring the voices. Error was used to it. The screams saying that he was useless, a glitch, a mistake, that his only purpose was to destroy. He was use to it, sad but true, he became numb to all the insults, actually, he became numb to a lot of things; pain being the main one but because of dream he also couldn't feel joy or happiness. So after finishing the doll he just lay there on the ground of the anti void.

Ink pov
I was in a meeting with all the sans (except the bad sanses and fresh) just for one thing, how to stop Error once and for all.
Everyone was talking to one another about different topics.
"Everyone sit and be quiet," I said. They all sat down quickly.

"We all know why I called you all here today. Error has not destroyed any Aus for one whole week and we the star sans (ink and dream. Blue was not there) have come to the conclusion that he is planning something". I stop talking to see their reactions.

They were all shouting and arguing but I just ignored them.
"That's why I called this meeting to discuss a course of action. Any ideas?" I asked.
"Why don't we just kill him," edge said.
"Error is a God he is not that easy to kill and sad to say he is by far stronger than me" I replied back.
"Then why don't we lock him up and throw away the key" red's brother said.
"Hmmmmmmm that might work but how do we capture him?"I asked.
"We can always drug him, "classic says calmly.

"That can work but how do we drug him"I replied.

"That part is easy you can put it in a bar of chocolate he always steals from me," Red says a bit angry talking about his stolen chocolate.
"Ok, we got a plan. Sci can you make something that can hold error in for good and something that can even knock error out for a good hour or two" I said

"I'll do my best just give me at least a month or two," Sci says.
"Ok" I replied back.
"Why don't you try and find out why he does it first before throwing him in a cage and throwing away the key" surprisingly blue asked.
"And how do we do that? Blue"I asked 'I doubt he will just up and tell me.
"Dream said he found out recently an artifact that can project memories" blue replied back.
"Is that true Dream"? I asked.
"Y..yeah I did." Dream says timidly.
"Ok, then we will do that any objections to the plan?" I asked. No one raised their hand.
"Ok meeting adjourned," I said and everyone starts to leave to back to their own au.

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