A Deal

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"Hana what are you doing?" Quinn asked.

"I want to come with you guys to Auradon." Hana replied.

"No. No way. You're going back in there." Mal was saying.

"But why? Why don't I get to go, but they can?" Hana questioned and was complaining.

"Ugh! Fine you can come!" Mal complained.

"Yay!" Hana cheered and knocked the ember out of Mal's hand.

"Hey!" Mal yelled.

The ember rolled and almost fell off the bridge into the water, but Quinn caught it.

Mal sighed and reached out her hand to take it. "Thank you."

"Wow. Wow. Wow." Quinn pulled the ember way.

"Quinn come on give me the ember back." Mal told her.

"How about we make a deal?" Quinn suggested.

"What kind of deal?" Mal crossed her arms.

"We help you save Auradon and everyone and you let anyone who wants to come on the island." Quinn told her.

"Anyone?" Mal asked.

"Any VKs who wants to." Quinn said.

"Will you give me the ember if I say yes?" Mal replied asking.

"Yeah. Sure." Quinn said nodding.

"Okay then fine. I will." Mal said, then held her hand out.

Quinn put the ember in Mal's hand and rolled her eyes.

They made their way back into Auradon to see almost everyone asleep.

"We need to find the others. Let's go to Evie's place." Mal said and they made their way there.

When they got there they heard snoring. 

"What is that noise?" Hana wondered.

"It's snoring." Mal said and ran to where the sound was coming from. 

When she went in the room she saw Carlos and Jane laying on a bed asleep. Then in another room Jay was on the couch. She walked into Evie's bedroom and saw her asleep too. 

"So they're all asleep?" Keith wondered.

"Yeah, but where are Uma, Harry, Gil, Sabrina, and Ben?" Mal and the others started looking around for them.

"Mal over here!" Keith called to her.

The others ran outside to see Uma, Harry, and Sabrina sitting at the table with their heads on the table sleeping and Gil laying on the grass sleeping.

"Okay, but where is Ben?" Mal asked.

"Would he be at his castle?" Quinn responded asking.

"Why though? If they're all here Ben would be with them. Something is up." Mal stated.

"You think Audrey took him?" Quinn wondered.

"I mean it could be possible." Keith shrugged.

"We don't even know where she is though.

"Harvey so glad you are here. I need someone better than Chad by my side." Audrey said.

"Always." Harvey replied looking down.

"What's the matter?" Audrey asked pretending to feel bad.

"I betrayed all my friends. How is this helping me get Sabrina? Harvey said and questioned.

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