V Fanfic

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It was a chilly night. You were on your way home from the nearby mall that you had always went shopping at. It was almost midnight and halfway home. You were listening to a band called BTS until you heard loud voices across the street. "Hey miss! Come here! Let's play~" a man shouted. He was obviously drunk and had some friends (also drunk) laughing with him. You tried to ignore them but they were walking your way. You panicked. "What am I supposed to do?!" You thought in your head. The men were a couple feet away from you. You unplugged one of your earphones and stood there frozen with fear. You heard footsteps from the back. For a moment you thought that more drunk men were coming from the back as well until warm arms wrapped around you. A smooth, soft voice said "We don't want to cause any trouble now would we guys?" You knew this voice from somewhere... But where?
It was from your phone.... MY PHONE! Wasn't I just listening to it on my phone? The music.... He was singing the song.... Right? His name.... What was his name?... V! That's what his name was. Your thoughts were interrupted by his voice. "Hey baby lets go home. I'm starving~" he said. All you could do was nod. You were so surprised. "Is this a dream?" You though. Then V turned you around. He held your hand tightly before he turned himself around to walk away. He had just saved your life!
The V from BTS! You couldn't get this trough your head. You were so shocked. There he stood. Holding your hand tight with his dark hair shimmering in the moonlight. He mumbled something to you but you didn't hear it. "What?" You whispered. The men that tried to "play" with you were not too far away and could have heard your voice if you spoke too loud.
"I said to stay quiet!" He hissed at you with a husky voice. "Do you want us to get into trouble?!" He shrieked at me. Even though I've stalked him through my phone a lot and I love him he was being really bossy to me. He didn't even tell me anything about himself or anything. You decided to turn on him. You crept out and walked towards the drunk men.
"Hi guys! Let's go play a game!" You yelled across to them. The men turned your direction and all had wicked smiles on their faces. "Oh no... I think I made a mistake... I shouldn't have done this." You thought to yourself.
"No! Is she crazy?! I was trying to help her!!!" V yelled to himself. He had to think of something quick but his mid was blank. While you were still with the men, one of them slaps your butt and says "you're cute little mouse. Let go over to my house~" he slurred. DID HE JUST HIT MY BUTT?! "V!!!! V help me!!! Please!!!" You screamed. You turned around and expected him to be where you left him but he wasn't there. He was no where to be seen.
You couldn't believe your eyes. He was gone! Out of sight!
The other men started pushing you around and playing with your hair. You didn't like this one bit but you couldn't do anything about it. You were hopeless and there was nothing around to use as a weapon.
"Hey~ I found you! Sorry boys but this one is ours." You heard a familiar voice say. "V!" You screamed. But he wasn't alone. He had 6 other friends walking side by side with him.
All of them were tall. They were strikingly handsome and they all looked like they could explode with anger any second. They all had their own chic style to what they wore and they were walking your way.
Was this really happening? No. This is a dream and your going to wake up and go back to reality. This isn't real.
You were trying to talk your self out of your "dream" when one of the men grabbed you and put you in a head lock. He had a knife to your throat and yelled at the 7 boys to hurry and do what they planned if they planned anything. But instead none of them moved a bit for a long 30 seconds. It was a long eerie silence and you don't like it at all. The suspense kept building up stronger and stronger.

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