V PT.11

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"I'm sorry... I really am. But I don't love you back. I'm in love with V." You told him with your eyes filled with an apology.

Jungkook stood there, dazed and empty. He didn't say anything. His arms fell from your sides and his eyes started to water. He looked away and closed his eyes as a tear rolled down his cheek.

The other two had finally came over with 3 shopping bags hanging off of each arm. They were laughing and giggling and making their way towards you and Jungkook. When they walked up they looked your way and then to Jungkook who still had tears rolling down his face. You felt really bad about this~

"What happened?... Why is Jungkook crying? He never cries..." Jin said with a worried look. "Yea what happened?" repeated Suga.

All of the sudden Jungkook exploded laughing and tumbled over onto the ground and started rolling over. You looked at him. "How much pain could he be in to lie about him getting rejected and fake a laugh? Is he ok?" You thought in your head.

"Aha! She just told me the best joke ever and I can't stop laughing! Haha! I can't breath! My stomach hurts! Oh my gosh haha!!" He explained while still faking a laugh. The other two looked at him and smiled and shook their heads.

Jungkook eventually got up and all of you started heading out of the mall. You were almost home. You checked the time as the three boys started getting out of the car.

6:55 PM

"Hey guys I'm gonna step out for a bit. My friend was gonna pick me up to hang out." You lied and started walking to where you and V promised to meet. "Ok! See you in a bit then!" They yelled back.

Jungkooks POV

"Ok!~" I shouted back at her. I walked into the apartment and took off my shoes and went to my room. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I closed my door and locked it and the room around me started getting blurry. Tears streamed down my face. The world was getting darker and darker and my head was feeling dizzy. My body hit the ground with a large thud and darkness surrounded me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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