V PT.7

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Your voice refused to eject from your throat. You tried to speak but nothing came out. I front of you jungkook was saying something to you with a worried expression but all you could hear was white noise in the back ground. Your face had gone pale and the color from your body drained.

Your stomach started lurching and your chest was growing tighter and tighter by the second. Now you realized that your whole body was in extreme pain. You felt as if Gravity was letting you fly but yanking you back to the ground harshly and you could tell what was happening anymore. You got up trying to get to the bathroom. You felt like you were going to be sick.

As you tried to stand up off the bed You fell right back down and Jungkook was a second late to catch you from falling on the the cold hard floor. All you saw were shadows now. You hear muffled screams for help as Jungkook tried to get the other members awake.

Finally the pain started to go away but before that you threw up on the floor from the lurching feeling in your stomach earlier. Your chest felt a lot lighter and and you could breath normally now. You sat up still really dizzy and the was automatically a body next to yours supporting you up.

The body was not Jungkooks though. You felt the ground leave your body as lights turned on and your feet waved in the air hanging loosely. Someone was carrying you to the restroom to get cleaned up. Your hearing returned but still not knowing what was which the person that carried you had to brush your teeth and dab at your forehead with a towel for you.

You thought you saw Jungkook... But then you though you saw V... But then again the person in front of you looked like everyone in the group.

"What is going on~" you thought. The though echoed in your hear over an over again when the lights went out and the person carried you to a soft bed.

It smelled of fresh cotton and lavender. It smelled clean but had the scent of a boy at the same time. But then something strange happened not moments later.

"I'm going to change your clothes. Their dirty. I promise I won't look. Is that ok?" A voice said. Your voice still refused to come out so all you could do was nod ever so slightly. The room was also dark but a slight glow from what seemed to be the window lit the room up just enough to see what was right in front of you.

The person changed your clothes, your body still too weak to move, and when the person was done you were in nothing but an over sized hoodie over your undergarments.

The voice spoke again but the sound soon faded out slowly as your eyes became heavy with sleep. The persons weight on the bed shifted as they leaned over trying to see your face.

And the last things you saw that night was V with a worried face as his lips formed the words "I love you"

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