Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Chapter 06: Change of Partner

M i n a

I take a step ahead of me trying to catch the fast beat of the song but then again was stopped by a shouting voice and later on stopping the music. "You just made another mistake. AGAIN! Back from the top!" he said as I quickly moved to my first position while trying to catch my breath.

The music boomed loudly at the room again from its beginning as I tried to remember the steps in my head and tried hard to execute them properly. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" he said as he paused the music again. "Another mistake. You are messing the choreography really bad! Make your moves a little stronger! Your moves are weak and out of tune! Are you really a dancer? Or are you really an idol? You seem not!" he said that made me lowered my head because I was hurt of the hurtful words.

"How did you ever spent your trainee days that you can't dance properly? Oh, right! You only trained for ten months, meaning you only became an idol because of your pretty face, and you are talentless! Did you really learned to dance for eleven years? Or you just use that pretty face of yours to lure in men?" he continued that made me lowered my head more than before.

My eyes started to water because of what he said, I am hurt. 'I did learn to dance but I learned ballet, and not other kind of dance!' I shouted inside myself trying to defend myself, but I don't have the voice to do so. I just stood there in silence playing with my fingers like a kid being scolded.

"YAH! Are you just going to stand there? You useless &*!^#! Do you still want to dance, or do you consider yourself quitting the idol world?" he said as he began shaking me forcefully that made me grimace in pain as tears started to fall off my eyes. "Stop! It hurts..." I said as I tried my best to push his hands off me, and when I do, I quickly run out of the studio.

My eyesight was blurred due to the tears blocking my view, but I still managed to run on the hallway while keeping my head down. *Boogggssshh* I fell to the floor as an impact of bumping into something while crying. "Oh God, my apologies. Are you okay?" he said as he helped me got up, base from the voice I can tell that he is a he.

"Fine, thanks. Sorry for bumping into you, I uhm, I wasn't looking on my way." I said as I wiped the tears in my eyes and tried to get up. "Mina – ssi?" he asked that made me lift my head up only to find out Jimin sunbae in front of me, the great Park Jimin of the Global sensation BTS. The role model of every aspiring K-pop groups in terms of hard work, which includes us of course. Twice looks highly on them because of their achievements.

"Sunbae. I'm really sorry." I said as I quickly bowed my head down as a sign of respect. "Oh please there's no need for formalities." Jimin sunbae said as I lift my head up. "Why are you crying anyway, Mina – ssi?" he continued as I shake my head hoping that he gets the message that I was relaying a nothing to him.

"Why are you here sunbae? Are going to visit GOT7 sunbaes?" I asked him instead. "Ahm no... I am on my way to 2pm sunbae's practice studio. Can you accompany me? I am a little lost since our manager is still in JYP Pdnim's office." He said as he scratched the back of his neck like he was shy.

"Uh sure?" I said as we started walking while a lot of questions were running in my head asking what will he do in the dance studio that we are currently using. We silently walked to the dance studio, after a few minutes we arrived in front of it. So I opened the door and went inside.
"Oh your back, and you still have the courage of showing your face in front of me after proving that you are one of the worst dancers in the industry!" Yoon Jaeki – ssi blurted out as soon as he saw me without minding the person behind me which made me lowered my head again.

"You know what Jae, I know you are currently rising in the industry let me say this for once... How can you do that to a girl? Are you a jerk? And besides Mina still debuted years ahead of you so, she is still your sunbae..." Jimin sunbae suddenly said as he made his way to my front. "Jimin sunbae what are you doing here?" Jaeki – ssi asked in surprise upon the sight of Jimin sunbae in front of him. "Were you not informed? Mnet had changed the arrangements with the dance on the last minutes, I was assigned to do a dance collaboration with Mina – ssi while you were paired up with to a member of Ikon as far as I remeber." sunbae said.

"At least a worthy partner compared to this talentless one!" he said as he pointed me and quickly picked up his things and left the room banging the door behind us. I dropped myself to the floor as my tears started to fall because of his words. Dancing is the only thing I am confident with, the only thing that I was asked to do but I enjoyed the most. And I am hurt with the fact that no one acknowledge my dancing skills.

All this time I was living behind the shadows of Momo unnie and Tzuyu when it comes to dancing just because my type of dancing was different from their although they can do modern contemporary too. Jaeki – ssi made me realized that my 10 months of training was not yet enough for me to be called a lead dancer since my type of dancing style doesn't compliment the job of an idol at all. That made me more envious of them...

In the back of my tears, I saw a white handkerchief in front of me. "He is not worth your tears, and please do not ever believe his words. Now wipe your tears and let us prove them that you could do better." Jimin sunbae said as he handed me the handkerchief. I hesitantly accepted it and wiped my tears away. "I am sorry sunbae, I will return this to you..." I said as I tried to dry my tears.

"Nah keep it... You need it more than I do..." he said as he took a seat beside me. "I am really sorry for breaking in front of you sunbae..." I said as I finally dried my tears "It's that jerk's fault anyway. Don't worry I also break in front of people like for example after our MGA performance, it makes you stronger than before trust me..." he replied.

"Mnet changed their arrangements, I hope you will be okay with it... I mean you already  started practicing but they suddenly changed on the last minute. We have to lean another dance again... My manager is talking with your manager for the sudden changes." he continues "What kind of dance?" I mumbled to myself. "Pardon me?" he said probably because he didn't heard me at all because of my soft and weak voice.

"I mean what kind of dance are we going to do sunbae?" I asked him on a louder voice. "Oh, modern contemporary... Since they knew that we are both modern contemporary dancers, they think it will be the best if they let us be paired off. They also changed the music that we will be using, here... Actually it has been a while since I did one, the genre doesn't really match up the job description of an idol." he said as he handed me his phone.

"I don't know the technicalities and stuff here, so you should plug it in so we both could hear it out. Hyung is using an unused dance studio in our building, so we can't use it... While the other members are using our practice studio..." he added as I nodded understanding the situation.

I just nodded my head and silently took the phone from his hands and went to the side to set things up, a soft but powerful beat played in the background. But not powerful enough that will make your head bang, soft at the same time that will make any contemporary dancer lost in a world of their own emotions.

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