Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Chapter 016: He Just Stole A Kiss From Me

M i n a

"Momo jjang, fighting!" we all said to Momo unnie as Momo unnie was called to the backstage for their performance. Today marks the last day of MAMA in Hong Kong and currently the two best main dancers are now set to perform  on stage.

I sit straight in my seat as I watched Momo unnie on her way to the backstage. I started to feel anxious when the realization that I will performing any moment now, I shake my arms to lessen the nervousness I am feeling right at the moment as we are set to perform after one performer next after them. "Are you nervous unnie?" Chaeyoung asked as she noticed me getting tensed.

"A bit, it's been two years since I last danced modern contemporary... It just feels different." I said while trying to calm down. "Don't be unnie... You are actually doing great. I will cheer for you later." Tzuyu said while giving me a thumbs up. "Thanks maknae, you are the sweetest..." I said as I gave her a hug as my way to thank her for cheering me up as we continued to watch the idols that are currently performing on the stage.

"Mina - ssi, to the backstage now please... You will be up in a few minutes." one of the staffs called out my name after a few minutes that made me stand from my seat and follow her. Sad that I can't watch Momo unnie's performance because by the time I left my seat is they went up to the stage.

At the backstage in our waiting area, I quickly changed into a white ballerina dress embroidered with golden flower designs and a ball gown skirt type that reaches my knees and a while ballet shoes to match up the outfit. The staffs put my hair in a neat bun and they added few light accessories that will match up with my dress. After changing I went back to the place where we will wait before our performance.

"Mina, white suits you well... You look like an angel..." I looked back when I heard someone say that from my behind, only to see Jimin walking towards my direction. In contrast to what I am wearing, he was wearing all black.

"Thanks Jimin... You look dashing too." I said as I smiled a bit then I stopped to wait for him. When he finally catch up with me as we continue to walk. "Nah you stand up more, by the way are you nervous?" he asked as we pass through the crowd of people in the backstage.

"A bit... What if I make a mistake? What will the fans say? This words have been running wild on my head since earlier. It can't be helped..." I honestly said as we stopped at the spot that will take us to the main stage where we will perform. As I shake my arms again that became my mannerism each time I feel anxious about something.

"Hey don't be... Calm down okay, never think of something negative. Just enjoy the stage and don't think of something else. Ugh, how do I do this?" he said as he held my hands to prevent me from shaking it. "Now listen to me, slowly close your eyes..." he instructed as I slowly follow what he said "Imagine me wearing a big ketchup bottle mascot while dancing to shy shy shy..." he said as a sudden image of him popped up in my mind dancing to Sana unnie's high pitched voice in Cheer Up shy shy shy, that made me giggle as I opened my eyes.

"See, I made you laugh even if it hurts a bit of my pride... Did it helped you?" he asked as he finally let go of my hands as I loosened a bit from nervousness. "It did, thank you very much. It was very entertaining and I would like to see you do that one day." I joke as he gave me a frown.

"You're hurting me..." he said cutely while clutching his chest before doing the nomohae aegyo that made me laugh even more. But we were cut shortly when one staff told us to get into position because the platform that we are stand in right now will be brought to the stage to start our performance that made us act professionally as we shift into our stance position as we felt that we were being raised up to the stage.

"Let's make magic..." he said as he smiled genuinely at me. "Yes let's make magic..." I replied as the music started and the curtain in front of us began to open revealing the both of us ready to burn the stage with the performance we had prepared for.

I stared at his eyes while he did the same as we started to perform the dance we have prepared. Feeling the beat of our hearts like we are lost in a world of our own, following the rhythm of the music to be our guide as we continue to dance the steps we had created.

He held my waist as we came to approach the skinship part. "Don't mind others stare, just continue to dance like we are in the dance studio we used to practice on." he said as soon as he noticed that I was uncomfortable with the moment. I nodded my head a little because I don't want to ruin the performance we had prepared for. As I imagine that I was dancing along with him in a closed place alone as we continue to execute the steps.

All we heard was the applaud from the audience as we finished the performance, we were both panting as we stare at each other while doing our final pose for the song as the curtain started to close in front of us. He suddenly shifted from his position the moment the curtain closed as the platform began to lower as he quickly held my waist using his other hand while the other lifted my head as he gently placed a passionate kiss on my lips that made my eyes widen with his sudden action.

After a few seconds I got dragged into the moment that made me close my eyes and placed my arms around his neck as I returned the kiss even without the knowledge because honestly he is my first. But I was the one who first broke the kiss when I felt that the platform stopped at the backstage. As I shyly remove my arms around his neck. Because I myself didn't know why I did that and it makes me embarrassed.

"Hmmm... Just pretend that I didn't saw that..." "What I? You mean to say we since we are two here..." we heard voices arguing that made us look to the direction where the voices were coming and only to find out Momo unnie and Jhope sunbae a few meters away from us standing with their hands on their waist while looking like strict parents.

"Hyung how long have you been there?" Jimin asked as he held my hand and walked to their direction. "Long enough to see the two of you kissed behind the audience back, good thing that no one saw you except the two of us... So are you two dating? I'm telling you right now horse, better tell your groupmate here early that if he will hurt Mina here he will have to face the wrath of eight devils." Momo unnie said as she grab me from Jimin placing me behind her back while sending death glare to the two. "Hey raccoon, tell it directly to him and not to me..." Jhope sunbae said while raising his hands up while looking at Jimin.

"Not yet but we will and I promised not to hurt her, I will never..." Jimin said as he look straight at me even if I was behind Momo unnie. "Well let's talk about that later, now is not the right time. For now I have to bring Mina with me, we still have a performance coming in a few minutes, if you'll excuse us..." Momo unnie said as she drag me out of the backstage to our waiting room.

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