Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Chapter 44: They Had Followed You

M i n a

“Chim, I had read the comments online… Will you not do anything about it? I am getting worried…” I said as we looked at the love locks in front of us where we placed our own too.

We are currently at the famous Eiffel tower, today is our last day in Paris together.

We were supposed to go here two days ago but we didn’t because of what happened inside the pub, so we decided to go here during our last day.

We will go to back to Korea but we have to make it look like that we were not together so he will sneak in just in time for his groupmate’s birthday, Jungkook sunbae.

“Some of the ARMYs are having a doubt that it was not me, comparing it with my photo the previous day when I dyed my hair.
The staffs are doing their best to delete the video online, so don’t worry.” He said as he gave me a back hug while watching the sunset, feeling the wind that touches our faces.

“I love you…” he suddenly said out of nowhere as I giggled at his cheesy lines that pops out of nowhere. “I love you too…” I just responded as we stand there like there is only the two of us in the world.

After spending time at the Eiffel tower, we decided to go back to his father’s house because we still have an early flight tomorrow in the morning.

I kissed him in the cheek before going to my room and sleep. But I haven’t even take a long sleep when I felt someone was waking me up.

“Mina, we have to go… The sasaeng fans knew where I am right now, and we have to go before they get in here…” he said that made me get into my senses real quick.

When I got up, I saw that everything was already packed as he quickly gave me a hoodie and bucket hat that I immediately put in.

We were moving quickly, as his father helped us get into his car and  drive immediately heading to the airport.

“I don’t know what happened, and it seems like someone leaked about my current location in Paris and they are on their way to appa’s house at this late hour.
Big Hit was quick enough to notify me and get us plane tickets, but we have to separate ways in Saudi Arabia. I have to stop by there while you fly to Korea after the stop over to avoid any issues.
I have already called your mom and she said she will accompany you from Saudi to Korea. She is already in a private jet on the way there.” He said as he kept looking behind us to check if someone was able to trail us.

I was catching my breath throughout the whole ride because his father was running fast more almost catching with the speed limit and I am really afraid that some fans will caught us together.

In just a short time arrived at the airport as we went directly to the departure area after saying our short goodbye to his father.

“We are really sorry appa for causing trouble and for leaving earlier that expected. I promise to visit you again if we both have free time.” Jimin said as his father just patted his shoulders.

“Don’t worry about me… Send my regards to your mother Jimin. I want you two to keep safe in your flight.” He said as he gave us both a hug before we went inside the terminal.

We saw his staff waiting for us as they quickly handed us the boarding passes. Just like Jimin, they also have to stop over Saudi Arabia and I will be the only one left.

From there my mother will accompany me with our private jet and make it look like that we were from Japan.

Jimin said that they will wait for Bangtan’s private plane that will take him from Saudi to Korea.

Big Hit already made it possible that he will arrive in Korea without being noticed.

He held my hand as we boarded the plane, we immediately went to the first-class cabin and just like our flight to Paris it was also empty.

“Will they be able to follow us until here?” I worriedly asked as he placed the bucket hat in my head properly. He took off my face mask and exchanged it with a scarf.

“Hope not, Big Hit already did everything to prevent them from following me until we both arrived safely in South Korea.
They had also made it clear that I was not the one in the video through a photo that I uploaded along with the details that day.
They could have already seen that my hair was brown that day and not black, so definitely it was not me.” He said as we both waited for the plane to take off.

During the whole ride we just hug each other without bothering to open up a conversation. When we landed at Saudi Arabia for the stop over, we gave each other a final hug before parting ways.

I saw my mother waiting for me at the arrival, so I immediately went to her side. She immediately assisted me to our private jet while I saw Jimin and his staff exiting the airport.

My mom immediately hug me as soon as we got inside the private jet. “Don’t worry everything is going to be alright. Good thing is that you were not caught together by his crazy fans.
We will arrive probably around ten in the morning in Korea, you should rest.” My mother said as she let me lay down in a bed inside the cabin of our private plane.

I followed her order and I did take a sleep, when I wake up the jet was already landing in Korea.

I didn’t bother to change my look as I just took of the scarf I was wearing and placed in in my luggage.

I was only wearing the sweater I wore before we left Paris and the bucket hat that was covering my face.

I even saw my reflection I the mirror inside the cabin that my lips was pale, but I just let it the way it is.

My mother assisted me while going out of the airport just liked how they planned it, we went out in the arrival gates from the flight from Japan.

She held my hand while telling me story that Momo unnie visited our home while I was in Paris. And it made me happy that the members did really miss me.

Our manager immediately approached us at the  arrival gates as soon as he saw us. He even handed me a blanket to cover myself up because I can clearly that I am not that in a great state.

Reporters try to get a photo of me but the company staffs around are trying to stop them along with the airport security.

We immediately reached our van as me and my mother got in. I saw how the car travelled along some familiar alleys that I wasn’t able to see for months already.

Just a few minutes of ride, we reached our dorm. “Open it…” our manager said while smiling at me pointing the door in front of me that made me look at him questioning why.

Because usually he is the one that opens the door for us in cases like this. But what surprised me is when I opened the door the members where there holding a cake for me.

Telling me that they are thankful that I will join them in making our new album and telling me that I should focus in getting well, that made me didn’t hold back all emotions as I quickly gave them all a hug.

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