Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Chapter 35: The Girl's Plan

J i m i n

I woke up in the middle of the night because of my phone that keeps on vibrating good thing it did not wake up Mina, who was sleeping peacefully beside me.

When I got up to look who was disturbing my precious sleep, only to find out Jungkook who was calling me for quite a long time already.

"Kook do you still know what time is it? I would really ban you from playing overwatch for disturbing my sleep." I started off while massaging my temples because my head hurts for waking up in an instant.

"Hyung, ah this is weird. Jimin, there much better... I am going to put up something in the net but I want your approval." he started as I want to smack him in the head for being disrespectful sometimes, so I wonder how Sana deals with this not so innocent kid.

"You should have asked the other members around and not me because I am away and I am supposed to be resting right now. Go just bother Taehyung, he is probably not yet asleep." I responded as I was about to end the call when he stopped me midway.

"Wait hyung, it concerns Mina okay? Sana and I were having a little argument because I wasn't able to answer her calls a few days ago and completely ignored me since then by not answering all my calls and messages too. In order for her to forgive me I have to post something in the net for Mina without getting traced." he explained as I instructed him to continue.

"As I was saying, it is an article to help Mina and to bring punishment to those people who were behind her attack. They provided me with all the evidence that I don't know where it came from and my only job is to post it online without getting tracked. I already made the article but I haven't posted it yet because I want you to read it first. In fact I only finished it right now and I worked with my program already so it won't be traced." he added that made me active to what he said like I was suddenly felt awake.

"It is kind of a risky plan Kook, but send it to me so I could read it first before we do something stupid. I honestly would like to give a taste of their own medicine to those people who cost her to be in that situation but we have to be careful." I said as he sighed from the other line.

"I will email it to you, just approve it already hyung because my girlfriend will only forgive me If I could post that already. Don't worry, I won't be traced not at all." he assured before cutting the line.

It's not that I doubted Jungkook's technical abilities because trust me that kid is a great hacker. He can easily manipulate things at his will but this is something we have to take seriously. Just after a minute when I received the email containing the article he was about to post including some evidences.

He teld me also through the email that there were bigger names that were dragged but the girls wanted the law of karma to do the justice.

They just want a certain person to regret messing up with their member but they don't know how so they have to bargain with Jungkook, what I mean is Sana had to bargain with Jungkook for the execution of the plan.

After reading the whole mail, I immediately told Jungkook the go signal as the kid immediately rejoiced that Sana will forgive him already. Then I went back to sleep with my Minari to cuddle her again.

When the dawn came I have to deal with a clingy Minari before I could go to the airport that will take me back to Korea. This always happens so I am kind of used to it already if only I don't have any schedule for this day I would like to stay longer.

"Please don't go, can you just please stay here with me... I am more comfortable with you around Chim." she begged with teary eyes as I sit in front of her to level our faces while I dried her tear away.

"Listen babe, I have to go to Korea for our concert for tonight for our fifth muster in Seoul. Everyone knows I am in Seoul with the members so I can't be caught in the airport. I will visit you again as soon as I can." I tried to explain at her while she is still crying.

Some doctors says that it is a side effect for her attack to be clingy because she have trust issues and the only person she is clingy to are the only persons she trust as of now.

We completely understand it as she is still not fine as what she said that she can't face a crowd yet. "But I will miss you... And I want you to stay." she said while hugging me suddenly and burying her face in my chest.

"You promise you will return right? You will come back right?" she asked me as I quickly nodded my head and answered her yes before she finally let me go.

When I was supposed to go out of the door of her room when her brother appeared at the door way with her parents.

"Jimin, thanks God we just came in the right moment. We asked Kai to drive you to the airport." her mother said as I quickly put on my disguise.

I asked apologies that I have to leave quickly as they say they understand our busy schedule and say that they will look after Mina while I am back in Korea. After a small talk with them her brother and I went to the airport.

I told him about the plan that her members had come up and that sooner or later the article will be posted online to punish someone who caused the attack of Mina. And also my plan that me and Mina will go to Paris during my vacation.

As he promised to relay it to their parents that I forgot to do so. The ride to the airport was a comfortable one, actually I grew close with Mina's family by going back and forth from Korea to Japan and Japan to Korea thos past few days.

We are legal in her parents side and I can't wait to be legal in my parents side that's why I am arranging a flight to Paris where my father is currently is.

Then she can go back to Japan first so that she can go to Korea with her mother while I will fly to Korea to arrange a meeting with my mother. I want my mother to meet my girlfriend too.

When we arrived at the airport at the private entrance I bid goodbye to her brother and thanked him before going to pick up my boarding pass.

Even though the staff was shocked to see the name in my passport I was glad that she didn't even bother to speak up about it. I called and asked Taehyung to pick me up at the airport as he responded with a yes. I wonder how was the article Jungkook have posted?

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