Chapter 6 - The stories are real

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Chapter 6 - the stories are real
"I don't understand, who would want to hide me" I state in shock.

"I don't know" he replies, "but whatever the inhibitor is that was placed in the drug paused your shifting process" he continued.

"What is shifting?" looking into his sky grey eyes with a puzzled expression.

"Do you feel ok?" he asks

"Yes why do you ask" I reply

"Well then lets go on a little trip shall we!" he says smiling slightly, standing and extending his hand out towards me.

In response, I get up from the hospital bed, slip my black converse on. As I stand up I take his hand into mine a feeling of electric shocks shoot in my arm, puzzled at the sensation asking myself what just happened. I look up to see Christian smirking at me he says.

"After this trip you'll know what" did he just read my mind?

"Yes I did" he adds. Before I have any time to respond he drags me out of the hospital room.

As we walk down the busy halls, that are surrounded by doctors and nurses who are wizzing around like bees through the various hospital rooms.

We exited the hospital doors, only to go towards the Car Park where Christian unlocked a cherry red Ford Mustang, I gasped at the beauty of the automobile.

"Like it ?" Christian said as he turned looked at me, and I saw he was smirking.

I couldn't get any words out I was just speechless. So instead I nodded.

He moved to the side of the car, and opened the door motioning me to come in. I smiled, and got inside the car but not without saying a quiet thank you. I strapped myself in as Christian came round to the other side of the car.

He started the car, and we drove out of the parking lot and started to drive along a main road.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I looked over at him

"My home" he said. After that the car fell into a comfortable silence.

After a few minutes we arrived in front of a large gate which had two guards situated in front. They opened the large metal structure, after they had they bowed. I just starred at them in confusion.

"We are here!" Christian announced smiling, I looked up to see my surrounding in response. Only to be greeted by the view of a beautiful mansion that was encased in white marble at its exterior.

"You live here..." I stutter, while looking around in amazement.

"I do, and you will too" he said, before I could question him further about his comment, he got out of the car, and made he way round to open my door. I stepped out. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside his house... mansion I mean!, which looked just as gorgeous as the exterior.

As we entered there were floods of people, scattered around the inside of the building. For some reason as soon as they saw Christian's presence they all silenced, but they also looked at me most of them wearing shocked expressions on their faces, some were sending smiles to me, and a few were sending glares towards me.

"Please everyone continue" Christian spoke

"Yes Alpha" everyone replied almost in chorus

"Come with me" he bent down and whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. 

"Ok" I said as I blushed, he looked at me and smirked

"I'm glad I have that effect on you mi amor" he laced his hand into mine and lead me up a set of stairs then unlocked a door and showed me into the room. I looked around at the interior, to find myself in a study that had walls covered in books, I grinned always being a bookworm anywhere with bookshelves was my happy place.

"Come have a seat" he said as he sat behind a table and signalled to the chair in front of him. I complied and sat myself down.

"Well where do I begin" he spoke to himself "you like stories don't you?"  I nodded at his question "well... how do I say this.. ummm... those fantasy books you read about vampires, witches, warlocks and werewolves... what I'm trying to say is that they are all true and you are a werewolf" my eyes remained wide and my mouth agape as I tried to process the information that was just told to me.

There was a brief moment of silence before I spoke again "that's why I was a wolf?" I questioned.

"Yes" Christian responded before he continued "And that pain you felt Ellie, that was because you were turning into a werewolf for the first time, everyone that's a werewolf has had it, me and everyone in this building. But the only difference is that we all shifted when we were 13 years old and for some reason it took you much longer to shift, which is why I couldn't find you" he said.

"Why would you be able to find me?" I asked

"Because I am your mate Ellie, everyone in the werewolf community has one. A mate is your soulmate... your other half ... the person you will love, marry and cherish forever. A person that you can't live without" he explained as he stood up and walked next to me "and you are mine" he said as he ran his hand across my cheek sending impulses and shocks through my body.

"That's why you can feel that every time I touch you" he said as he grinned at me.

"Can I ask a question?" I said

"Of course you can" he responded

"Why does everyone call you Alpha?"

"An alpha is a leader of a pack or a group of werewolves, I lead them along with my Beta and Gamma who you will meet later. But since you are my mate you will rule the pack with me and be my Luna, we have a ceremony where we introduce you to the pack. But you don't have to worry about that yet, we will do that when your comfortable and ready." He said.

"Ok" I responded.

"If you have any more questions I can answer anytime ok" he said, and I nodded.

We stood up and as we were walking back to the door I felt the skin on the right side of my abdomen begin to burn.

"Ow ow ow!" I exclaimed, as I clenched my stomach

"What happened ?!" Christian ran back to me and laid me down on the floor.

"OW IT HURTS!" I screamed

"I need to see what it is my love" he said as he slowly lifted my hands up, he pulled up my hospital gown " your family mark is forming" he said starring into my eyes intensely.

"MY WHAT?!?" I shouted as I cried in pain

To be continued....

Hello everyone!

It's been a while since I updated but all of my exams are out of the way so now I'm back into the swing of things! Hope you enjoyed please leave comments telling me what you think! If you enjoyed please VOTE, SHARE and FOLLOW me for more updates.

Love you all!

Ella xxx
Word count:1215

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