A New Prophecy

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Mistgaze padded slowly into the water, her thick pelt becoming heavier as she started paddling. Fallen Feather let his gaze rest on the dark coloured she-cat, his ears twitching. "Feather! Why did you leave?" Nora bounded over mewling at the large wolf. "My name isn't Feather, it's Fallen Feather." He mumbled as the kit sat down next to him. "Why is she swimming? Does she like the water? Why does she know how to swim? D-" The wolf slapped his tail over her jaws, cutting her off. "Get back to camp. You know that cat that's taking care of you, Breezewhisper? Tell him there's an ambush. Now go!" He spoke with a deep whisper, watching as she took off. Mistgaze watched as he stood up, his tail flicking in a specific pattern. As if on cue, several cats leapt out of the bushed, hissing and yowling. "So the rumors are true. Darkclan is so weak they took in a wolf. How pathetic." A grey, battle scarred tom spoke, padding to the front of the crowd. As Mistgaze crawled out from the water, Fallen Feather had taken a step forward. "Who are you, and what do you want?" The she-cat watched from the riverbank, crouched down into the mud. She flicked her ears, hearing the light pawsteps of her clanmates. "Froststar, leader of Leafclan. And we are here to take over this weak clan." The wolf kneeded at the ground, his pads picking up the feeling of the clan members' steps. They are waiting for my signal. Fallen Feather chuckled lightly, howling. Several of Darkclans' cats bounded out from the undergrowth, and the battle begun.

  "Thank you, Fallen Feather." Mistgaze purred as the poultice was pressed against her open wounds. 
"Breezewhisper will take care of everything else."

The Fall of Darkclan, The Rise of Shadowed StepsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant