chapter 1 ~

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The room blasted sirens loudly and continued every second, red lights flashing from beam to beam, making me feel scared and trapped. I grabbed the sides of my face with my sweaty hands and covered my ears as tight as possible. Where am I? And how did I get here? I’m now in some sort of room. All I can remember was being with my group of friends: Tayler, Wane, Skylar, Cameron, Candice and Joanna.

I must of hit my head pretty badly. I close my eyes, Squinting, seeing if this is a dream or not. This is crazy.

'It's so loud in here! Make it stop' is what my head was saying for a good five minutes. I ran as fast as I could until I collapsed. I scattered back to lean against the wall and hit my head. I then curled my knees up and hid my face in my knees. 

"Someone help me!" I screeched as loud as I could, banging the walls behind me. 

"Someone please get me out of here!" The tears started to welt up in my eye lids. I need to get out of here but haven't got any energy to do so. 

Being at school is all I remember. I just can't handle situations like these. I need my friends or someone who’s going to protect me and get me out of here.

I think harder...all I can see is a man running with some sort of gun? Yeah that's what I remember...and...We were all in the study room and I was with my group of friends, and Cam, Ha! Yeah haha him, I always caught him staring. I wonder what he was staring at though; I would always wipe the top of my nose or slightly flick my hair back.

 We never really spoke much out of the group, only because I was the quietest of them all, in fact I don't think he really even knows me too well.

All I can say is that we used to have this thing for each other in middle school, and basically all we ever did was stare at each other and smile maybe even a wink here and there and we’d never even get a full conversation.

It was mainly, hello’s and hi’s to one another. I don’t really think it’s that awkward now. I mean we know how to talk to each other, genuinely now.

Looking at the scratches and dried up blood on my hands, I begin to feel nauseous. I look up and continue to hear the same loud sirens. 

"I gotta get out of here!" I yelled and got up from the ground slowly. I cracked my back and flicked the hair of my face. 

I ran as fast as I could after that, turning corners and passing walls. I kept yelling "Someone help me!", "Get me out of here"

I wiped the sweat off my face and ran a little further, I then here a noise just faintly over the sirens. Something like "Riley! Riley where are you?" 

Oh my god. It's Cam!

"Cam! Help me!" I screamed. "I'm coming Riley! Wait where are you?!?" Is all I here.

"Uh I don't know!" I responded running a little further. I then bumped into something hard and fell straight down to the ground. I look up while holding my head, dizzy as hell. 

"Riley!" Cam pulls me up and holds me tight in his arms. I wrap my arms around him and start to whimper.

"Cam" I said softly and hugged him so tight. We eventually pull away and I look up at him. He smiles and takes my hand. 

"Come on Riley! Do you want to leave this place or not?" 

"Oh of course I want to stay in such an awful, loud and dark place!" I say wiping my small tears. He looks down at me and cups my cheeks. 

"Everything's going to be fine Riley! I promise. Now come on babe." He says taking my hand as we run as fast as we could.

We ran so fast. He would always check to see if I'm ok.

"There's got to be a way out!" I yelled over the sirens 

"I know! And we have to find it!" He said holding our hands tighter. I felt along the walls, just in case a door came along. He did the same.

"Yes! I found a door!" I shouted and pulled the door open. I stepped forward a little and pulled him closer behind me.

We then see the school car park. “Oh my god! We’re still at school!” I pant loudly and wipe the sweat off my face. It’s getting darker now. We have to find a way out.

Cam is looking around frantically. I do the same and all we can see is everyone running around screaming, looking petrified and even people fainting.

“What is going on?” He asks. He starts moving down the path a bit; as I follow along I begin to groan.

“Do you remember anything?” I ask

“Not really, no. And that’s what’s really pissing me off!” He says looking around and panicking.

He begins to make his way to Mrs Fitzgerald who’s loudly yelling and telling people to leave and evacuate. I chase after Cam. “Wait up!”

“Mrs Fitzgerald! What’s going on?” He asks worriedly. She whimpers in pain and quickly tells us.

“There’s been an attack by some maniac! He’s searching for certain people. I don’t know what he wants but right now stay safe and leave this town. The both of you! Just leave now before anything happens to you! Go!” She yells. Then we hear a gun shot twice. “Hurry!” We both quickly turn to each other and run together.

“Where are we going?” I yell over the screams. “Somewhere safe I guess!” He pulls on my arm and we sprint across the road. Cars in road rage, beeping, people running around like there’s no tomorrow.

“It’s every man for himself!!” Some guy screeched from across the road. We continue running to the beach and onto the pier where we see a boat.

“Quick!” He says, pushing me on. I look at him scared. He bites his lip in frustration. “What about the others? Aren’t we going to save them?” I say looking back at our school. I see fire and then more gun shots.

“It’s a fricken terrorist attack!” He says, revving the engine to start. “C’mon Riley we just have to go!” He says while we start to move along the water quickly.

But what about our friends? I hope they’re ok. Now I’m stuck with Cam, let’s hope this isn’t going to be awkward.

*** I hope this was alright! I had to change it because I felt i wasn't pleased with it. Hope you liked it xooxox 

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