chapter 2 ~

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My throat starts to tingle as I lay on my back in the small boat we have. Cameron’s taking up all the room on this thing. So the engine stopped working and now we are stuck in the middle of nowhere. I groan in frustration. He hasn’t really said much.

I tilt my head up and see what he’s doing. He’s just looking out in to the distance. “Hey Cameron…Are you alright?” I ask, sitting up and fixing my messed up hair.

“Yeah!” he says sarcastically. “Heck, no! We’re stuck here and I thought you died until I heard a groan from you a minute ago.” He says rubbing his eyes.

I fake smile and look up to the blazing sun. “Shit it’s hot.” He says peeling his sweaty arm pits from his top.

“I know! All I want to do is take my clothes off. But you’re here.” I say frustrated.

“I wouldn’t really mind. We’re just friends.” He says smiling widely. I roll my eyes and laugh.

“Are you ok though? When we were in that room before it sounded like you were dying.” He says sitting up and looking around.

I put my head in my hands. “I’ll be alright, I guess.” I say tucking my hand into my pocket. A sudden realisation hits me and I squeal with excitement. “Oh my god!” I pull out my phone. “It was in here the whole time!” He gets up and quickly sits next me. “And look! There’s actually one bar.” He says excitedly.

“I can call anyone!” I say looking at his face. He smiles. Who should I call? My mom or the police? “Who should I call, Cameron?” He thinks.

“What if they’re dead though? Maybe the police? Yeah try the police.” He says grabbing my phone and starts dialling.

“Hello! Yes, I’d like to report a situation. Me and my friend are stranded on a boat in the middle of nowhere and w escaped from school because there were people with guns!” He says really loudly.

“We’re probably near North Way High, our school. We were on the beach before and then our engine broke! And then we-” The line cut off. “Oh god damn it! The service is gone. We can’t call anyone anymore!” He looks really angry. I hold on to his arm.

“Look, The police heard enough! Hopefully they can track us down with what they heard.” I say, trying to calm him down.

“I’m so mad right now! I just want to break something! And does this boat have oars or what?” He says loudly. Man he’s got some anger issues. I’m actually kind of scared right now. He breathes in slowly and then looks down.

“Yeah they’re right here!” I point to where they’re located in the boat. “Thanks. You know we’re going to have to start paddling soon.”

“Yeah lets just do it.” I put my phone back in to my pocket and begin to paddle with one oar. Cameron does the same.

“Oh my god! Do you see that? There’s an island!” he gets excited. “Keep paddling! C’mon we’re going to be safe soon.”

“I don’t know Cameron. Anything could be on that island.”

“If you’re with me, then you’re safe ok.” He says smiling. “Ok” I smile back.

We get closer towards the shore and then the waves begin to form. We are almost there.


“Oh my god it’s really getting hot out here!” I can feel my sweaty arm pits clingy to my singlet now. It feels gross.

“You know you can just take off your top. I really wouldn’t mind…” He says smirking. I smack him in the chest.

“No! I’m not showing you my bra! Who do you think I am? Some sort of stripper?” I tilt my head back, waiting for him to confess.

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