chapter 3 ~

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By now our body's where firmly touching. I don't know when this is going to stop but I'll need to soon as I won't be breathing.

I can feel his heat from the air coming out of his nose blowing on to my face just a bit.

I don't know sometimes I feel like that's a comforting feeling when I kiss guys. I push him back a bit just so we can breath. Our foreheads touch and I finally take a breath.

"Wow. I thought you said you'd never kiss me...ever." He says looking deep in to my eyes. I laugh, slightly smirking.

"Yeah, well it was no big deal, I mean I was completely frustrated and I guess you just made it better by kissing me." I say leaning back against the rock wall and hold his arms. He does the same.

"Hey, you kissed back." He says tucking a strand of my hair back behind my ear. I smile. It was silence for a moment.

"Sooo...did you like it?" He asks chirpily, swimming back a bit. I follow him swimming forward.

I think to myself for a second. Did I like the kiss? Well of course I did! Do I want to make this a big deal out of this? Absolutely not. He's not my boyfriend and I don't even like him like that anyway.

"Well of course I liked the kiss Cameron. Why do you ask?" I ask wiping water over my face.

"Ah you know it's really nothing." He kind of laughs nervously. What is this dudes problem?

He then looks down at his nails and picks away at the dead skin.

"Hey are you alright?" I ask tilting his head up with my finger. He looks up and smiles. But this time not showing much teeth.

"Yeah of course. Why wouldn't I be? The question is, are you ok?" He ends with a flirtatious smile. There he is again!

"I'm doing fine thank you. All I want to do though is leave this place. You know. Go back to see my mom and dad...and even my asshole brother." I laugh.

"Trust me I feel your pain. I'm missing my sisters like crazy." He emphasis the word crazy. He always talks about his sisters when he gets the chance to.

Mostly to me I guess, because mainly our group doesn't want to talk about that. We normally have a drama to resolve or we have to stay behind each others backs when we are feeling low.

I'm kind of missing our group, even though I didn't really have a best friend in the group. It's still fun to be around with them.

Hopefully after this experience with Cameron we can be more closer friends now. I like to think a lot.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks, looking at me strangely. I honestly tell him.

"I was just thinking about our friends. And you haha" I say getting up and walking over to my clothes.

"Yeah...I don't know. I think I miss them. What were you thinking about me for ayy?"

"You think you miss them?" I completely ignore his other question.

"Yeah I don't know maybe. But why were you thinking about me?" He asks following me out of the water.

"Why do you need to know? Look it's not full on ok. Geez relax." I say shaking off the wet water.

"Hey! Don't tell me to relax ok. I've had it up to here with everything. School has been a mess, our friends hardly seem to care about me anymore and finally you don't even care about the kiss. My stress levels are rising!" He loudly rants, shaking his hands and scratching his hair as he speaks.

Why does he care so much about the kiss? What? does he like me? He couldn't like me! He barely even knows me out of the group.

I'm kind of speechless. I just don't know what to say. He looks like a pretty worked up guy. I walk up to him slowly as he goes to sit down on a rock to dry off.

I sit on his lap and wrap my arm around his neck.

"Hey...shh you're with me now. Things are going to be ok...well eventually. Once we get out of this fricken forest!" I say rubbing the back of his neck with my thumb.

I hope he doesn't think this is flirting. This is more just the comforting side of Riley.

He wraps his arms around my back. And looks up to the sky. "Yeah. You're right. Come on, we've had our fun now. It's time to find our way out." He says picking me up and placing me on a rock.

"Why thank you sir" I say in a posh tone.

"My dear, you are most certainly welcome!" He mocks. I laugh historically. This may be a nice beginning to our friendship.

I bend down to fetch my shorts and didn't think, maybe there's a guy right behind me. I catch him staring at my ass.

"Are you right there?" I say looking backwards as I slowly slide my shorts up my legs.

"Riley. First of all your ass is beautiful and I'm a guy so of course I'm gonna stare at it! And second, don't be so surprised." He says leaving his top off, revealing his glorious six pack and beautiful v lines. I gasp and stare. What is this?

"Are you right there?" He mimics me from before. I joke back.

"Cameron. First of all your body is beautiful so of course so of course I'm gonna stare at it! And second, don't act so surprised." He giggles and I laugh historically.

I slide my sneakers back on and now I'm ready to go. I'll keep my top but just hold it for now. It's getting super hot.

"Are you ready?" He asks frustratedly. Again we've got the stressed Cam back.

"Yep." I say walking ahead of him. If he's going to be rude like that then he's gonna get it back from me. I'm sick of this side of him.

"Wait so you're going to walk around a forest like that?" He says looking at my bra.

"Well is it bothering you?" I ask turing around annoyed.

He huffs before answering.

"No I'm just a little confused because I know you don't feel comfortable wearing just a bra around me." He says rudely.

"It's fricken 50 degrees in here!" I shout and walk faster ahead of him. What happened to when I calmed him down. And that kiss? Gosh did that mean anything to him?

Wait why am I now thinking about it? Shit I can't be liking him now. I can't. No. I will not.

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