chapter 4 ~

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Chapter 4 –

I’m climbing high up this huge tree. I don’t know where Cameron has gone off to, probably just trying to find us some food in this place. I still can’t believe we kissed and even though it was a very nice one and I enjoyed it, he’s still such an asshole and I really thought he’d be different compared to the others guys in our group.

He’s always been this kind of quiet guy, but still when you have a genuine conversation with him he’d be super sweet. I wonder what has changed.  I think a little harder. Could it possibly be stress that’s getting him down? Or even family problems? Who knows! He still shouldn’t treat anyone differently with no respect.

I climb a little higher, trying to get a bit of view. Who knows maybe if I’m at the top of the tree a helicopter could see! We’re going to have to camp here for a bit. Hopefully he can be nicer soon and maybe he could even know how to make a fire.

“What can you see?” I here Cameron shout from underneath me. I look down underneath me. He’s climbing up here now too.  I groan. Let’s hope he’s nice to me.

 “Are you going to be nice?” I cross my arms over my chest.

He chuckles. “Aw Riley, have I upset you now?” He asks in teasing tone.  I nod. “Since when?” he raises his eye brow.

“Look, if we are going to be around each other we both need to get along. So first of all, get rid of your cocky attitude, stop making rude remarks and stop acting like you’re top shit. Now I know that sounds mean but honestly I can’t handle your mood swings.” I say climbing higher. I don’t want him near me right now.

“Oh mood swings aye? I don’t think you can talk.” He says with a wink, climbing higher. I stop, reaching the top of the tree. I used to be so scared of heights but look at me now. I’m sure my family would be super proud. I miss them. The tears welt up in my eyes. I just don’t want to be here. I want to be at home sitting on my couch, watching movies and eating food.

The tears stream, slowly out of my eyes. How could I be so pathetic? I snivel, wiping the sweaty hair off my face and sit down on the thick branch while holding on to the actual tree.

“Hey.” He sits down next to me slowly and tucks his head under my chin, kissing my neck. Why is he doing this?

He looks up and concern fills his facial expression. “Why are you crying?” He asks wiping the tears away. All he is wearing is his pants and shoes. He also has this sliver chain around his neck that says something on there. 

“What’s this?” I ask ignoring his question. I grab his chain and the silver square says ‘Cameron Joudy, Type 1 diabetes, Insulin dependent.’ And then there was a number to call.

I slowly look up to him in shock. This is why he’s always moody. I feel so sorry for him. I’m specchles. He looks at me confused.

“Are you ok?” I struggle to ask. He puts his arm around my neck and my eyes follow his. I want to know if he’s ok.

“Well, now you know my secret. And yes I’m ok.” He says looking out to the sunny view. I cock my head back and look at him funny. “Ok, well for now.” He nods

“I didn’t know you had this. This is such a horrible and life threatening thing. I’m surprised you’re not hungry.” I put my face in my hands. How after all these years have I not known that he’s had diabetes? 

“Oh no, Riley…I’m starving! And my monitor keeps playing up on me. We really need to find some food. And fast.” H says holding his belly.

“What will happen if we don’t?” I ask worriedly

“Riley relax…We’ll find something. Maybe if we go back to the boat there could be something in there.” He says excited. He takes my hand and pulls me up. I look down and an awful feeling hurls inside me. The height fear is back!

I fall back just a bit. “Shit! Riley!” He catches me. “Are you afraid of heights or something?” He asks with his face close to mine as ever.

“Yeah, extremely…but I was trying to show how brave I was before!” I say holding on to him tighter.

“Well how are we going to get down here then? I know. I’ll just leave you. Cya!” He lets go of me and I hold on to the tree trunk.

“Are you serious Joudy?!?” I say holding on for dear life as he gets down to the ground.

“You got yourself up there. I’m sure you can get yourself down!” He says teasing me.

“Cameron this isn’t funny! I’m going to vomit all over you in a second.” I say holding my belly.

“Eww gross! C’mon don’t be so scared. It’s fine! Look I’ll catch you at the end, ok?” He says with a cheeky grin. Gosh he’s so cute. I nod and let go of the tree trunk. Slowly putting my leg down and holding on to the next branch then the next and one after another until I almost got to the end.

“Yeah girl! You got this!” he says in a ratchet tone. I chuckle. He really is funny, well occasionally. I’m still mad at him for being mean to me and leaving me up there.

“Alright are you ready to catch me?”

“I am so ready.” He says smirking. “Ok…” I say a little nervous. “3, 2 ,1 and jump!” I jump off the tree, scared as hell because I’m still high up above the ground, It kind of feels like I’m flying a bit. I squeal.

He catches me in his arms. My legs wrap around his waist and I cling myself to him as tight as ever. “I actually can’t believe you did that.” He says slowly sliding his hands down my back to my bum. Ohh what’s this.

“Hey…that’s my but! What are you doing?” I ask trying to get out of his grip. He giggles.

“Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” He smirks. “Ok well you can let go of me now.” I say as he lets me go.

“Not even a thanks?” He asks as I wipe the dirt off my body.

“I’m still mad at you for what you did up the tree!” I say walking off in to the forest. He follows a long.

“Oh come one? Are you really mad at me for that?” he asks, putting his arm around my shoulder

“Yes! I was scared as hell and you just left me.” I say bumping my but against his.

“Riley…I’m sorry for that haha It won’t happen again!” He says and bumps my but. I stumble a bit.

We both end up laughing together which made me happy because he’s being really nice now and I love this Cameron. 

“Are you kidding me? The boat is gone!” He screams and jumps around. “It’s banished!” He dramatically falls to the ground.

“Well isn’t that great!” I yell frustrated.

“I need food! Hey look! There’s coconuts!” He says quickly and runs up to the tree.

“Oh my god! I’m so happy right now.” He digs in to his coconut. I do the same. Watching Cameron eat like a monster scares me. I really hope he’s ok. 

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