chapter 5 ~

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“So now that you’ve had your coconut are you feeling any better?” I ask sitting opposite to him on the sand under the shelter we made. He takes out his monitor and I hear a few beeps. He sighs and looks up to me. “I’m alright, still hungry but its ok. I won’t die yet.” He says cheekily.

“You know, it’s getting a little dark our here now and we still haven’t made a fire.” I say looking around for sticks. I garb four large ones near my legs and make them into a bundle.

“Don’t worry. I got this!” He slides his hand into his front pocket and slips out a blue cigarette lighter.

“You smoke?” I ask while watching him flick the fire out of the lighter and onto the sticks. Watching the sticks make the crackling sounds and seeing it burn makes me feel much better now. It was getting a bit cold but I think we will do just fine.

“No I don’t. I mean I’ve tried once and it was horrible but I just use this because I love playing with fire.” He flicks the fire up out of it and sticks his fingers in it playfully.

“Oh my god No! Don’t…you’ll hurt yourself.” I say propping myself up and grabbing his hands. He looks up to me and smiles. “Riley it doesn’t hurt at all…see, try it! I promise you it won’t hurt.” I come closer to him as he takes my hands in and flicks up the fire. I look at it, scared at first but tried to be gutsy.

I move my finger to the top of the flame and squeal. “Riley…” he chuckles. He demonstrates again. “See it didn’t hurt at all.” He says looking up to me and closes the flame.

“I’ve already had enough.” I say and scatter back just a bit and lean against the tree behind me. I look at him for the time when it was silent and he did the same.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I broke the silence first.

“Tell you what?” He asks, playing with his lighter.

“Tell me you had Diabetes” I ask. He looks up and sighs.

“It’s my main insecurity Riley. This is my life and I have to live like this every day. I’ve hardly told anyone because I don’t people to think of me differently.” He says scratching the back of his head.

“Well I respect that but Cam, I’m your friend, we’re your friends, and we still think you’re amazing.” I say moving forward over to sit next to him.

“That’s not how I see it.” He says grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask playing with his hand too. He looks to me from his side.

“I don’t know…I guess friendship problems. Who knows really? But hey, I’m glad I’ve still got my Riley.” He cheers and I laugh.

“Even though I miss them, I’m glad I have you too.” I look up to him and smile.

“You know about that kiss today…” He starts.

“Here we go.” I say and perk my lips together.

He laughs. “I just wanted to say that you’re a pretty good kisser.” He tucks my hair behind my ear and tilts his head back.”

“Well I think you need to work harder with your kissing techniques.” I tease, biting my lip he chuckles.

 “You’re a bit sloppy.” I wink. He cups my cheeks and presses his lips to mine once again. Slowly moving his lips on mine and I’m following his movement. He bites down on my lower lip, making my mouth thrive in pain, his tongue enters mine and we begin to swirl in motion together. He grabs my neck as well and starts to trail kisses down my neck.

“Oh- my…God” I pant he then fiddles with my necklace and stops kissing me. “Don’t stop.”

He looks at me and bites his lip. I smirk. “What is it?” I ask feeling worried.

“You’re just so beautiful.” He says and I blush. He crashes his lips to mine once again, pushing me back down to the ground. He’s now on top of me. Gosh I’m liking this. He slowly slides his hand up my singlet, making me awkwardly twitch. I’m so ticklish.

“I see you’re ticklish.” He smirks. I look up to him and cover my eyes with my hands. He slides his torso onto mine and looks down to me. “Don’t be embarrassed. I think it’s cute.” He laughs, showing me his incredibly perfect smile. Am I starting to crush on Cam? Oh no! Is this going to ruin our friendship? Let’s let it be for tonight but it can’t happen again.

I pull on his chain that’s around his neck and begin to kiss him again. He puts his hand in my hair and kisses down my neck. “I- I love this.” He giggles. “Oh I know you do.” He replies.

He sits up a bit and removes his shirt, revealing his lovely abs. “Woah, now settle down tiger.” I push his chest away from me and sit back.

“Oh come on Riley, babe please. I promise it’ll be worth it.” He says coming closer and kissing my neck once again. I wrap my arms around his neck and look up to him. “I’m not having sex with you Cam…” I say into his chest. He stops.

“Why not?” He asks curiously. I prop myself up in to a sitting position. “Because I’m not ready” 

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