Chapter One: Forgiven?

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Third person pov:

Brotherhood of Tofu was walking through the forest. Everyone were talking happily, but Adamai wasn't. From Oropo tower he didn't say any word. Yugo didn't blame him for that, for anything. But he wanted Adamai to say something or smile.

Yugo: Ad?

Adamai: Hmm?

The Dragon looked at his brother, who was now next to him.

Yugo: I'm happy that your breath.

Adamai: Me too, wing head.

They both laughed a little. Yugo looked into his brother eyes. They were full of sadness, full of pain... He wanted to help Adamai, but how?...

Eva: We should do here a camp. It's getting late.

Pinpin: I can see in front of us a cave!

Amalia: Then let's go!

It wasn't cave. It looked more like a big rock which have a big hole in it.

*after they set up the camp*

Yugo: Guys, where is Adamai?

Ruel: I don't know.

Yugo: We should find him!

Amalia: He can take care of himself.

Yugo: Fine, then see ya. *walks away*

Amalia: Really? -_-

Pinpin: Yugo, wait!

Ruel: *sigh* We should go after him, so he don't get hurt...

Yugo and the others come to tree, to saw Adamai next to the river, on his knees, crying a little. The others were surprised, beacuse they only saw Adamai cry, when Grugaloragran died.

Adamai: *chuckle sadly* Will they ever forgive me, without knowing the truth? Will they belive me, if I tell they the truth? Probably not... Of course not! *lay head into hands* Stop fucking cry...

Pinpin: *whisper* About what he is talking about?

Eva: *whisper* I have no idea, now shut up.

Yugo was having a hard time watching his brother. He hate seeing his brother cry. He wanted to come to him, and hug him. But he couldn't. He wanted to know more.

Adamai: If I tell them, that I didn't want to be with Oropo, they won't belive me! If I tell them, that he beat me up almost everyday, they won't belive me!! If I tell them, that if leave Oropo, or I won't do what he wanted, he would kill or hurt someone! He would do something to Alibert, Amalia's dad, Chibi, Grugal or Forgotten Brotherhood or I don't know who!!!... They won't belive me... They don't believe me...

Adamai start to cry more.
The others just look at him really surprised and shocked. Yugo was like others too, but he have a tears in his eyes.

Amalia: I-is he kidding?...

Flopin: I...don't think so...

Ruel: All this time, he was just protecting us and people we love...

Pinpin: And we thinked he wanted to be with Oropo and wanted to kill me...

Eva: I think if he didn't do that... Oropo would come here and kill you for sure... I think Adamai just believed that your strong enough....

Elely: I'm really sorry for him...

Yugo was just standing there, quietly. But suddenly, he made a portal next to him and in front of Adamai. He jumped through it.

Adamai was wiping his tears away, wanting to stop cry, but suddenly he felt someone hugging him. It was a small creature with blue hat, and tears running down his cheeks. It was his Eliatrope brother, Yugo.

Adamai: Y-Yugo, why are you crying?

Yugo: Is it true?

Adamai: Wha-

Yugo: What did you just said... Is it true?!

Adamai: Y-you heared it?...

Yugo slowly nod, while he hide his face it the Dragon chest.
Adamai was trying really hard, to not cry... but he loose the fight with his body. He hugged Yugo, hiding his face in Yugo's hat. Yugo in the time stopped crying. He looked at his brother above him. Some tears fall on the Eliatrope cheeks.

Adamai: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm  so sorry...

Yugo: *start to wipe Adamai's tears away* Stop sorry... We should thank you...

Adamai: W-we?...

Eva: Yes, we...

Adamai looked behind him, where he saw the others.

Adamai: W-wha-- Y-you heard t-that?...

Pinpin: We heared everything.

Adamai: I- uh- I'm so sorry...

They all hugged Adamai. Adamai was first in shock, but after few moments he smiled sadly, few tears running down his cheeks.

Adamai: Thank you guys...

Yugo wiped Adamai tears away.

Eva: We should go back... It looks like it's going to rain.

Pinpin: And we should go eat too!

They laughed a bit, before going back to the 'cave'.


Hey guys! So, this is my new story. But I want to do an AU of this... Is it a good idea??

I do not own that photo!!!

Thank you CharaCinnamonbun
          And   TheMidnightShadow666
For helping me with this idea!!!

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