Chapter Three: Trouble

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Yugo's Pov:

Adamai: Touch me if you want.

Yugo: W-what?

I was extremely surprised, and I was blushing like never. He want me to touch his body? I reached my hands, and start to touch his stomach, then chest, then arms. I looked at his face. He have a pervert smile on his face while blushing. He leaned closer to me. Our lips were almost touching.

Adamai: You have so soft hands...

He was about to kiss me, but before that I heared some voice saying "Yugo, wake up. Wake up you sleepyhead".

I opened my eyes. A dream, huh? It was so real... I wish it was real... I wish I could touch his body... To taste his lips... Wait, what?! I... I think I'm now catching feelings for my brother...

Adamai: Sorry that I wake you up, but I'm soon going to sing...*sigh* What did you dream about when your face is do red? *chuckle* Was is something with Amalia...?

I heard that sadness in his voice. Why would he think that it was something with Amalia?

Adamai: I know you're in love with her.

Yugo: Adamai, I'm n--

Adamai: We should go.

I watched Adamai leaving the room. He have his hair in messy bun, like always, and some normal clothes. He have brown pants and light gray shirt.

I went after him. I need to tell him that I'm not in love with Amalia. But I will tell him later.

*after everyone sing*

Everyone, really EVERYONE who were there vote for Adamai. He have such a beautiful voice!! His voice is strong, but so soft. When he sing, so good energy is coming from him! We all were amazed by his singing skills. I was amazed by the lyrics too. And from where do he know the song?
Adamai didn't want to talk, so he went to our room.

Adamai's Pov:

This was sooo embarrassing!! How they could clap me?! Are they deaf?! I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I went to my and Yugo room. I sit on the bed. After a while I heared that someone opened the door. I looked at the person, and it was Yugo.

Yugo: Hey. You were doing amazing! You have wonderful voice!

Adamai: Yeah. Like I believe that.

Yugo: C'mon. Even Harmonik said it! You need to believe in yourself more.

Adamai: Mhm...

Yugo: *sit next to Adamai* And well...about the dream and what you said... I'm not in love with Amalia. She is just a friend.

Adamai: Really?

Yugo: Yep, really.

Adamai: I though you were.

This was actually good news! He is not in love with her! I know that he will never love me like I love him... But it's still a good news!

Adamai: So, do you like some girl?

I think that he is into girls. be honest... I'm scared that if I tell him that I'm gay...he start to hate me...

Yugo: Nope. You?

Adamai: No.

Yugo: Hey, Ad. I wanted to ask something.

Adamai: Shoot.

Yugo: What are you into?

Adamai: What do you mean?

Yugo: Like, are you into girls or boys or both?

Why the heck is he asking something like that?! What should I tell him?! "I'm gay and I have big cruch on you"?! Hell no!!! But... I don't want to lie to him... Should I tell him that I'm gay or... Ugh! What should I do?!

Adamai: And you?

Yugo: I asked first!

Adamai: I asked second.

Yugo: I'm bi.

Adamai: R-really?

What? He is bi? He is on boys too? Do I have chance? I... I don't know... Fuck!

Adamai: Do you want to go for walk?

Yugo: You still didn't answer me!

Adamai: I will answer later... All your questions... I know you have more than one...

Yugo: Hmm... Fine.

The two of us went outside. It was night already, so was dark too. But we still could see. We went into a little 'forest' what they have there. We get into the middle, and I was really scared. We sit on the grass.

Adamai: your first question... I... I'm...

Yugo's Pov:

I watched Adamai take a deep breath in. He was right that I have more questions, and I can tell they will be uncomfortable for him... But I need to know. I want to know!
The answer for my first question REALLY surprised and shocked me.

Adamai: I'm gay...

Yugo: What... Really...?

Adamai: Y-yes...

He looked down. I can tell that he is scared. I smiled softly and get closer to him. I hugged him. I saw his shocked face, but at the same time happy. He hugged back. I blushed, and managed to kiss his cheek. But, I was not the only one who is blushing, even when he was trying to hide it. I giggled.
Adamai soon end up on top of me, but he was trying to protect me! Someone shoot on us! I heared a voice...

???: Fuck! I will get you one day...!

That unknown person then left, thinking that he miss. I think that too, before Adamai start to shake madly. He collapsed on the grass next to me, still awake. That arrow shoot him into leg. Thanks Gods it wasn't deep! To be honest, it almost didn't touch him... But I notice, that there was some tipe of poison...! I don't know what to do! I don't want to lose him!! I felt tears filling my eyes.

Adamai: Y-Yugo...g-go ...o-our ... r-r-r-room... antibody...

How he know what's wrong with him?! I didn't question it and fastly get up. I could see that he is bad on it, and he have problem talk. I start to run, but I heard him saying.

Adamai: I l-l-love you...

Adamai's Pov:

You must be kidding me... But I'm happy that I protected Yugo... Shit... I feel how I'm going weaker and weaker... Thanks Gods that I know what's with me... This is tipe of poison that will make you feel like dying. You will feel weaker and weaker... But... In others poisons when you have too much in you, you can die... In this...if you don't have enough of the poison in you, you can die. Thanks Gods I was learning things like this from Echo, and that she made me some antibodies...
I told him that I love him, beacuse it can be my last chance. But I think he didn't hear me...
F-fuck... Yugo... Please... Hurry up...


Hello guys!!! Another chapter is out!

If you want, send me song, or name of the song what do you think Adamai was singing, and he will sing!! I get up there one song, I though he could sing.
How you can see, the song is not mine!!!

Thank you TheFandomQueen2019

For your help!! Thanks everyone for help and hope you are enjoying this story!

...sorry for my bad english...

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