Chapter Two: Feelings

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Third person Pov:

It was stormy night. Everyone were asleep. Well...almost everyone...

Yugo: I hate storms...

Yugo couldn't sleep. Like he said, he hate storms. They are scary. Yugo though that he is the only one awake.

Adamai: Yugo...go to sleep...

Yugo: Eek! Adamai?... You're awake?

Adamai: Yes...but I want to sleep...

Adamai was sleeping next to Yugo. He get closer to him, and hugged him. He cuddled Yugo.
Yugo was shocked. He didn't expect this. He was blushing a little. But he didn't know why.

Adamai: It's just a storm... *yawn* Now sleep...

Adamai then fall asleep. Yugo turned to Adamai with face. He smiled softly and cuddled to Adamai more. He soon fall asleep.

*in the morning*

Adamai was the first who was awake. The others start to slowly wake up too.

Adamai: Good morning.

Others: Morning.

Adamai: We should start to go again.

Eva: You're right.

Ruel: But we need to wake up the sleepyhead.

They were talking about Yugo. He was the only one who is still asleep.

Adamai: *chuckle* Yeah.

Adamai come to Yugo and gently shake him.

Adamai: C'mon Yugo. Wake up.

Yugo: Hmm.... Five more minutes...

Adamai: You asked for this.

Adamai stood up and pick up bucket of water. He get next to Yugo, and he get all of the water on him. The water was really cold.
Yugo screamed a little.


Yugo got up while the others start to laugh. Adamai was in his human form, so he get on Yugo his hoodie, which was really soft, conformable, but in the first place, it was really warm.
Yugo just glared at Adamai, after he get the hoodie on him.

Pinpin: And now we can go.

Elely: Yeah!

??? Pov:

*who know where*

???: You now can have fun, but I swear that I will one day get you. And after that I will rule the world!!! *evil laugh* Be ready... Adamai...

Yugo's Pov:

I got so mad when Adamai splash the water on me! You can't image how cold it was!!!
After that we take out things and clean in there. After that we start going again . If Adamai didn't give me his hoodie, I think I would die from how cold I would be.
I need tell, that Adamai's hoodie is really comfortable. And it smells like him. It smells like roses and like grass. I want to keep it forever! I want to have Adamai forever... Wait what?! What the fuck did I just said?!

Adamai: Are you ok, Yu?

Yugo: Huh? Yeah.

I only now realize that I'm blushing. But why?

Adamai: Are you sure? Didn't you catch cold?

Adamai's Pov:

I was worried. Did Yugo catch cold beacuse of me? Oh no...

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