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Note: A reply from a guest made me re-think the 'doing each episode in parts' so I have decided to put the chapters into full episodes. P.S It might take a longer to update, probably.

Replies: I will be placing them on here if I haven't replied by PM.

Red05 – Yes, for the most part this storyline will follow the show but with Jasmine coming in there will be several twists in the story that I've come up with. I love a Klaus love story too, originally I wanted to have Elijah be with my female potter but then when I thought over my several twists it felt more right to have the bad boy take the witches heart with love. Their relationship will have a twist too it, but I will not say lol. I'm glad you're liking it too.

fw25ks25rc25 (Guest) – Thank you so much for the advice, I really did take your opinion into consideration and when I re-thought it didn't stand out as something someone might want to read as it was in parts. I am now doing them in full episodes. I'm glad you like the re-write version too (Happy face)

NicoleR85 – Thank you so much for the reviews on every chapter, I think you've actually review every one of my stories haven't you? I can't remember, sorry. But I will say that she does not take any crap from either of them, there will be a special relationship with Damon but I will not say and as for Caroline there will be a strong friendship later on in the story.

For everyone who has asked about the love pairing for Jasmine – It is a Klaus/Fem HP!

Harry Potter crossover Vampire Diaries | Reborn | Pilot

Jasmine woke up with a whiny groan, she rolled onto her side as she laid across her double bed when the annoying buzz of her muggle alarm clock went off. Another nightmare, she's had them her whole life so it was never anything new. There was always a wide variety of nightmares she's endured - they could either be ones her subconscious made towards something, or it was a vision of her past – just like the one from the Forbidden Forest, the day she was supposed to die for good that time.

Her eyes blinked open as they adjusted to the light streaming from her bedroom window, her hand landed on the snooze button of the noise box – her head ringing with the beeping sound.

Her house was a place that could hold up to 3 people living there at a time if she wanted to. There were three bedrooms, 2 bedrooms with their own bathrooms and another separate bathroom on the second floor. On the ground floor; there was a modern kitchen but it still felt very homey; ever since she's been able to live on her own, Jasmine's been learning to cook all sorts of things on her own. With the Dursley's, they would pretty much have the same thing all the time and it was never home-cooked well. Jasmine had never really got the chance to peruse in her cooking abilities at school either since the house elves did everything.

So far Jasmine had already spent about 3 days in Mystic Falls, she had moved into one of the houses that was a couple of streets down from the nearest high school.

With another groan she lifted herself up by her hands so her body was upright, her hands swipe over her eyes to get rid of the sleep. Her hair felt twisted and tied together as it went down her back.

Her legs flung over the side of her bed and she stood up, cracking her back as her spine stretched upwards with her arms.

With a lazy yawn she took a few steps over to her draws beside her on-suite bathroom and got out a pair of denim black skinny jeans, a forest green tank top and a cream waterfall cardigan. After the war she had gone out on her own and spent some money on herself, everything from new muggle clothing to even a new haircut that didn't make her hair look like a bird nest. Her philosophy was that if she was going to start up a new life somewhere new, then she was going to start fresh.

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