What was that?

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Harry Potter crossover Vampire Diaries | Reborn | What was that?

"Stefan, who are you taking to the Founder's Ball?" The raven head asked as she sat next to her best friend on the steps of the Salvatore Manor. She wore a velvet read stringed corset and her hair was curled to perfection as it was styled into a fluffy bun on her head by her adopted family's house servant.

Stefan smiled slightly but it was happy, "I've asked Katherine to accompany me," He didn't noticed that his best friend now wore a tight smile on her lips, as if she were trying to be happy with the answer but truly wasn't and didn't want him to notice. "What about you, you must have a line of eligible men asking for your hand." He teased, bumping his shoulder in her own a little.

The raven head sighed, "Yes," She nodded, but it was unhappily, "None of them suite me though, I don't feel connected to any of them." Her face turned dreamily, "I keep dreaming of this man, I feel like I've known him my whole life but I've never seen him anywhere else before."

Stefan frowned, "What does your father say?" She had been having these types of dreams a lot since her 17th birthday, it was like she was living in the past – in her words. They felt like memories, but it was impossible – they must be dreams.

The raven head looked down, "He thinks I'm deluded, but he doesn't really treat me like his daughter anyway – I am adopted. He hates the fact that I keep my birth name too." She shrugged, "I feel lost without it for some reason." She was connected to her surname, it felt right – a passage to her life.

Another voice came out of no-where, "Hey little bro." Damon walked up to his little brother and good friend after finishing up a conversation he was having with his father. The raven head had been a part of the family ever since she was adopted by the family next door, the three of them were very close – friend-wise of course, and the raven head had never had romantic feelings for either Stefan or Damon. It was like she was waiting to the right man, and when she saw him – she'd know it was him.

The raven head smiled brightly, "Damon! We were just discussing the Founder Ball's. Who are you taking?" She asked curiously.

Damon smiled but it was sad for a moment when he glanced at his brother, knowing that Katherine had chosen his younger sibling rather than him. His head turned back to the raven head in front of him with an idea, "Well, I was thinking of taking my best friend as I haven't heard anyone had been accepted to take you." He grinned before holding out his hand, "Jasmine Potter, would you like to be my date for the Founder's Ball?"

"Yes, Damon," Jasmine grabbed Damon's hand, "I think I will." She'd rather go to this stupid ball with her best friend than be date-less, besides, her father wouldn't be pleased she were going alone if she did.

Jasmine's eyes blearily blinked open as her system started up again, that was a weird dream. Usually her mind was always plagued with silence (which was rare in itself) or something from her terrible past that decided to come back to haunt her another night.

She shook her head as she sat up in her bed, running a tired hand through her knotted hair, it was probably her mind playing tricks on her. Jasmine climbed out of the bed and padded to her en-suite bathroom before getting into the warm clear liquid that made waterfall over her head. As she washed her hair with her watermelon shampoo she started to get lost in thought, last night she had told Bonnie to come round her place so she could tell her something. Thinking what she was going to do now – probably wasn't the best idea. Last night, she had a spur of the moment idea to tell Bonnie that she, herself was a witch. But, Jasmine didn't want the learning witch to freak out since she didn't even believe her Grams at the moment – maybe she should wait a while.

Instead, what she could do it give Bonnie was a bracelet that would somehow protect her – from vampires and other creatures. She had found the spell in the Hogwarts library in year 6, she had kept it aside to use it when they were on the run but she never got the chance to really try it out.

Jasmine wrapped her body in a large lilac towel and stepped out of the shower, wringing her hair out so there wasn't as much water locked inside her damp raven curls. She sighed and looked into her bathroom mirror, luckily her bangs had grown a bit longer since moving here – which meant it would be easier to hide the horrible lightning scar that would always haunt her until the day she really did die for good.

She took a couple of steps out of her steamy bathroom and went over to her drawer and got out her daily clothing that was pretty much the same as yesterdays, but cleaner and fresher.

As soon as Jasmine moved from the last step to the ground floor she heard a purr from beside her feet. She grinned when she saw the small kitten brushing herself against her bare foot, Jasmine bent down and picked up the happy feline before going into the kitchen area – intent on getting some food for both herself and the starving kitty.

~ 8 ~

Half an hour later Jasmine heard her door being knocked at, she quickly ran over to it – expecting it to be Bonnie arriving. But, when she opened the door – she was greeted by the familiar raven-headed dick with a cocky smirk known as; Damon Salvatore.

Jasmine scowled, not liking his presence on her front porch, "Damon." She muttered with displeasure.

Damon smirked, "Jasmine, nice to see you."

She raised a disbelieving eyebrow, "I can't say the same for you." Shaking her head at him.

Damon sighed, losing the cockiness in his face, "I'm sorry – there I said it." He raised his hands in a surrender.

Jasmine blinked, confused, "Sorry – for what?" There were many things on the list he had done since she's been in town – his small response doesn't really narrow it down the specific thing he's talking about.

"Asking those questions the other night," He rolled his bright baby blue eyes, "It was personal – maybe I just wanted to know more about you. Stefan does too, he needs a good friend by his side." Speaking truthfully and honestly

She cocked a disbelieving eyebrow at him, now leaning against the side of her front doorway and looking at him skeptically, "What's the motive, I'm never inviting you in. I don't trust you and I've only seen you three times. Two of which I found out you were snacking on Caroline. She may not be a good friend, but she's still an innocent person."

"You're still like a female Stefan," He grumbled under his breath, before looking back at her, "Anyway, are you going to the Founder's Ball today?" He changed the subject.

Jasmine briefly remembered her dream from last night, it was so similar. "Um, I haven't been invited. I'm not a member of the founding family and I don't like parties to begin with – something bad always happens."

Damon nodded, like he was agreeing with that statement, "Come on, I'm sure it's not as dull as it sounds." He seemed to beg, "I actually want to be your friend – you have spunk." Shrugging his shoulder as if it were obvious.

"Spunk?" Jasmine snorted, "Is this your genius way of trying to get invited into my home and then while I'm sleeping - you drink me dry?" Her sarcastic comment didn't take to well for Damon which made her head tilt in wonder.

Damon shook his head, like he was insulted, "Believe it or not Jazzel, I actually think we'd be good friends … Actually, I know it." With that he disappeared with a blur, leaving the raven head standing there dumbstruck by what had just happened. What's with that name too, Jazzel?

Just as she was about to close the front door until a beep from her phone went off in her pocket. Jasmine frowned in wonder as she got the device out, seeing who had texted her.

Bonnie: I'm so sorry, I can't make it – Caroline made me stay with her today. I'll see you at school.

Jasmine sighed disappointed, closing her front door – scratch the bracelet off the list then.

Note: As you can see this isn't a full episode and I think the next couple of chapters won't be either.

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